Chapter 7: The Bonfire

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Anna's locker slams shut and she jumps. "Oh my god, Hannah! What the hell?" Anna exclaims.

"Spill." She orders seriously.

"Spill what?"

"What the hell happened between you and Liam? I have given you like a week to tell me and nothing! I'm your best friend, you are obligated to tell me these things!" Hannah complains.

"Nothing happened." Anna mumbles.

"Really? Why have you been avoiding him then?" Hannah questions.

"I had to cancel on the date and I felt bad." Anna sighs.

"And why has he been so strung out? I mean, he's so jumpy." Hannah tells her.

"Really?" Anna asks. "He was fine yesterday."

"Ha!" Hannah exclaims. "So you two have hung out."

"I-I mean, I-" Anna tries to come up with an explanation. "Oh, look, there's Liam. Got to go!" Anna says quickly, running away to Liam who is sitting on the stairs, playing with his lacrosse stick. "Hey, Liam." She greets awkwardly. "You ok?"

"Yeah, sure." He mumbles.

"A-alright." Anna sighs. She starts to walk away before she gets an idea. "Hey, Liam." She calls back. He looks up, meeting her eyes. "You know that you can tell me anything, right? I'll listen. And I promise not to judge as harshly as Hannah." She laughs slightly.

"Yeah, I know." He answers dumbly, making the small smile on her face fall.

"I-I'll, uh, see you later then." She sighs, walking away.

Scott, having heard the conversation, goes to sit next to Liam. "You ok?" He asks. Liam just sighs. "Hey." Liam looks up at Scott and sighs.

"Last night my printer went off all by itself." Liam says. "I couldn't turn it off. I hit the cancel button. But it just kept printing."

"Printing what?" Liam digs a piece of paper out of his pocket and hands it to Scott.

"Scott?! Liam?!" Anna yells from down the hall, catching their attention. They both run to her to see her looking into Coach's office.

"What the hell is this?" Coach shouts. The printer is spitting out copies of the dead pool, but a revised version. Anna bends down to pick up the three lists and look at them.

"They're different." Anna states and Scott and Liam pull her to the side.

"Derek's not on the list anymore." Scott observes. 
"And Liam's not worth 3 million." Anna breathes, seeing the new number. 

"It's 18 now." Liam states. "18 million dollars."


"Scott, I'm going to find Hannah." Anna tells her brother as they get to the bond fire. She pushes her way through the bodies to find the blonde dancing. 

"Anna!" Hannah calls, smiling. Anna waves her hand awkwardly. Hannah runs over to her and grabs her hand. "You're here!"

"I don't know why, I hate parties." Anna reminds her. Hannah rolls her eyes and sighs.

"Dance with me."

"Not until I have some alcohol in my system. And that's not going to happen." Hannah raises an eyebrow. "Scott's here. I can't let him see me drunk."

"I'm already drunk!" Hannah yells. "Scott won't notice. He hasn't noticed you in a year! Have a little fun!" Anna eyes the cup in Hannah's hand before downing it. "That's my girl!"

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