Chapter 4: Construction Site

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Liam wakes up in his bed, having had the best sleep since he was bitten by Scott. He then realizes he can't move his arm. He opens his eyes and sees brown hair strewn all over the pillow next to him.

He picks his head up and uses the hand wrapped around the other body to move the hair. He smiles, seeing Anna's peaceful face. Then he remembers what happened the night before.

He slowly gets out of bed and reaches his phone. He gets nervous, seeing all the texts and missed calls from Scott.

Before Liam could respond, Anna groans, waking up

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Before Liam could respond, Anna groans, waking up. She looks around, not recognizing the room. "Morning." Liam greets.

She blushes, remembering the night before. "Hi."

"So, I know it's kind of early, but I promised Mason I would go on a run with him today." Liam tells her.

"Mind if I tag along?" She asks nervously.

"No, of course not." She smiles at his answer.

"Could we stop by my house to get running clothes?" She asks as he takes off his shirt and replaces it with a muscle top.

"Sure." He turns back to see Anna staring at his torso. He smirks and she shakes her head, snapping herself out of her trance. "We can go now."


Anna sneaks in through the window and changes as fast as possible. She ducks back out and races over to Liam. They both walk until they reach Mason's house.

"Liam, you ready-- Hey, Anna." He greets, confused.

"Do you mind if I join?" She asks.

"No, of course you can. Which trail do you want to do?" Mason asks.

"There's a nice one at the preserve." Liam suggests.

"Lets go there." The trio get into Mason's car and drive to the preserve. Liam had to force himself not to look back at Anna in her workout clothes.

"Here." Mason parks and they all get out. At first, they jog at the same pace. Then Mason starts to talk. "It's not just that we were friends with them. They were using us for their cover. I mean, professional killers were using us. How are you not freaking out about that?" He asks them, referencing Violet and Garret, who the police have determined to be part of an assassin group called The Orphans.

"Trust me, I have a lot more to freak out about." Anna scoffs, surging ahead. "You guys are too slow. Meet you at the end of the trail." Her smirk made Liam smile at the challenge.

"I'll beat you." He tells her. She shrugs and starts to run.

"Dude, you totally like her." Mason says.

"Yeah, I do." Liam sighs, watching her run off.

"At least you can admit it. Hannah has been joking around about you guys being a couple since you transferred. Anna's a reserved person so naturally she denied everything." Mason pants from running. "But we all know she likes you and you like her. You should have seen her after you asked her out."

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