Chapter 3: The Scrimmage

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Anna walks out of the library just as the bell rings. Hannah and her part ways so she could head to math while Hannah went to History. 

On the way there, Anna bumps into Liam leaving the locker room. "Oh hey," She greets, taking a step back.

"I've been meaning to talk to you." Liam smiles.


"I need to apologize for completely disappearing at the party." Liam sighs, embarrassed.

"It's ok, I wasn't having very much fun anyways." Anna says.

"I heard you were quite the dancer." Liam remarks before his expression turns into one of horror. "Oh my god, I didn't mean--"

"No, it's ok. I was pretty good, once Hannah made me loosen up." Anna giggles softly. "Did some good dancing." They fall into an awkward silence. "Well, I have math, so..."

"Can I ask you a question?" Liam asks nervously.

"You just did." She teases. When his face falls, she quickly says, "It was a joke. Of course you can ask a question, Liam."

"After the scrimmage, um, would... would you like...." He stutters. "Would you like to grab a pizza or something?" Her eyes widen. "We could go with Hannah, o-or Mason o--"

"You know, I'm not a big fan of group dates so, if you're ok with it, lets just go, the two of us." She looks up at him through her eye lashes. 

"Yeah, of course." Liam agrees, smiles.

"Well, I'll see you at the game." Anna says, bitting her lip and walking off. 

"What's got you so smitten?" Violet asks, falling in line with her as they walked to class. 

"Oh, nothing." Anna sighs. "Just, happy."


"Liam, wait!" Mason chases after Liam as the latter goes to confront the arriving lacrosse players. 

"Brett!" Liam calls out as another blonde gets off the bus. 

"Ah, here we go..." Mason groans. Liam faces Brett, the latter towering over the former.

"I just wanted to say," Liam tries to control his anger as he sticks out his hand. "Have a good game."

Brett starts to laugh at the gesture. "That's cute, Liam. Is that what they told you to say in Anger Management? Apologize and everything's fine? You demolished Coach's car." Brett says. 

"I paid for it." Liam replies, controlling his anger to the best of his abilities. 

"Yeah, you're gonna pay for it. We're gonna break you in half out there." Brett threatens. "And it's gonna be all your fault." Scott's eyes widen, seeing the blood trickle from Liam's closed fist. 

"Whoa, hey, hey, hey. Lets go." Stiles says as Scott pulls Liam back. "Hey, what's going on Devenford prep students?" Stiles greets.  "Welcome to our little public high school. How you doing?" He sticks out a hand and is met with nothing. "That's a firm handshake you got there. Uh, we're very excited for the scrimmage tonight. But lets keep it clean, alright? No rough stuff out there. Alright, see you out on the field." He runs to the others and mutters, "Go." 

Mason watches as they rush off. "Mason!" Hannah runs out, jumpy and fidgety.

"Hannah, whats up?" Mason greets, still confused over Liam.

"Did you hear?" She starts to pull him inside, away from the attractive Brett. 


"You know what about!" Hannah scolds as the stop in front of Anna's locker. Anna closes it and jumps at the sudden appearance of the pair.

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