Chapter 9: Mexico?!

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"Hannah, have you seen Liam today?" Anna asks.

"No, but I think Mason said he was going to the gym with him." Hannah shrugs. Anna looks away, contemplating whether she should go to him. "You thinking about if you should check on him?"

"Should I?" Anna questions.

"I don't understand why you're not going out yet." Hannah sighs. "Go! Shoo! Check on your boyfriend!"

"Not my boyfriend." Anna laughs before heading to the gym. She opens the door to see Liam struggling to push a weight off his chest. "Scott!" She yells before going to Liam to help him, though she won't be much help.

"A-Anna." Liam strains, as Scott runs in and grabs the weight. Liam sits up, coughing, as Anna and Mason watch him.

"Liam..." Mason says in concern.

"I'm fine." Liam groans as Scott kneels down next to him.

"If you don't want to be with us, that's ok." The Alpha says. "But don't push your friends away too."

Liam glances at Mason and Anna before looking in the mirror to see a berserker growling at him.


Liam sits in his room silently. The door opens and he looks up. "Liam," His mother smiles. "There's a girl here to see you."

"Who?" Liam asks, confused.

Anna step out from behind his mother and smiles shyly. "Me. I-I hope you don't mind..."

"Oh, nonsense." Liam's mother exclaims. "I'll get some food."

She rushes away before Liam could object. Anna walks in hesitantly and awkwardly stands before the other freshman. "Mason said you liked video games." She blurts out.

Liam lets out a soft chuckle. "Yeah."

Another minute passes, full of the sound of silence. Anna finally snaps. "Liam, I know something's going on. I know that you don't want to talk about it, whatever it is. I've already told you I'm here and so is Mason and Hannah. And since you don't want to talk, and I'm here, as a friend, I'm sure I can kick your ass at at least one of these games, wolf-reflexes or not." 
Liam looks up at her determined expression as she brings out two games from her bag. "Now, I got GTAV and Super Smash Bro's Brawl."

"Haven't played this one." Liam says, taking out Super Smash Bro's Brawl.

"Super Smash it is." Anna sinks next to Liam and grabs a controller. "Totally gonna kick your ass."

"No way. I have better reflexes." Liam brags, putting the disk in ad sitting next to her.

"But I know all the tricks." She smirks playfully.

The first round starts and Anna wins. Liam wins the second round and when they get to the third, Anna gets an idea. When it looks like Liam is about to win, she leans towards him and kisses his cheek.

He freezes and Anna kills his character and shouts in victory. A blush forms on his cheeks as he sees her excited state. "Told you I'd win." She laughs.

"Y-Yeah." He stutters, really looking at her features. Her blue eyes that make him just want to look at them forever. Her smile which always brightens up the room. She stops her laughing gradually and begins to observe his features: the lightning blue eyes and blonde hair. 
"What?" She breathes.

"I heard Kira and Scott had a date tonight." He says.

"Damn it, Liam! That's what you say?!" He scolds himself mentally.

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