Chapter 13: First Date

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Anna rushes to get ready, making a conscious decision not to tell Hannah about the date. When she finishes with her outfit and light makeup, she grabs her purse and phone.

She races into Scott's room and yelps, closing her eyes. "Sorry!" She tells Scott and Kira, who were in the middle of a make-out session.

"What's up, Anna?" Scott asks. She opens her eyes to see that they both put on their shirts.

"Would you cover for me?" She inquires hopefully. "I'm probably going to be out late."

"Doing what?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Um, Hannah invited me to the movies." Anna lies, hoping he wasn't listening to her heartbeat. "Yeah, we're seeing that new super hero movie."

"You put on make-up to go to the movies? And a dress? And heels?" Kira laughs at her boyfriend's interrogation.

"Should I take it off?" She asks, wide-eyed. "Is it bad? I should take it off." Anna turns around and goes to rush back to her room.

"No, it looks great." Kira smiles, grabbing her arm and pulling her back into the room.

"No, Scott's right. I should take it off." Anna tries to make a break for it, but Kira stops her again.

"Why are you nervous?" Scott questions.

"I'm not nervous." Anna mumbles. The doorbell rings and Anna's eyes widen. "That's Hannah. Got to go, bye!" She makes it past Kira and runs to the door.

She smiles seeing Liam standing there nervously. "He—"

"Shh!" She whispers. She points up as she closes the door behind him. "Scott's listening."

"Ok." Liam shrugs, extending his arm.

Upstairs, Scott catches a familiar scent and pulls back from Kira. "What?" She asks.

"Liam." He narrows his eyes before scrambling towards his window. He trips over his feet and falls to the ground causing Kira to laugh.

By the time he gets to the window, Anna and Liam are long gone. "Did you know she was on a date?" He questions the kitsune.

"Figured it out by the attire." Kira admits, giggling.

"I'm gonna follow them."

"Scott, no." Kira races after him, trying to convince him not to be a third wheel.


"Where are you taking me?" Anna asks for the third time.

"Well, since we have had so many things to do since I transferred to BHHS, I wanted our first date to be special." Liam explains. "So, I might have found out that there is a carnival in town."

"You're joking." Anna smiles. "I've never been to a carnival."

"Well, I'm glad you'll get to experience it with me." Liam tells her as music reaches their ears. Anna giggles as they a ferris wheel comes into view and they walk into the crowded area.

She looks around in awe and Liam grins. "Cotton candy!" She squeals, grabbing his hand and running towards the vender. When she stops, she doesn't let go of his hand and he takes notice.

He doesn't do anything until he lets go to pay. She hungrily licks her lips before tearing off a piece of fluffy goodness and handing it to Liam before taking another piece. He watches as she puts it in her mouth and moans at the taste and consistency.

She catches him watching and blushes, looking down. "Sorry." She breathes. "It's just been a while."

Liam laughs, "You aren't bothering me. It's nice."

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