Chapter 2: Freshman Party

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After a very interesting encounter at the hospital, Liam ended up tied with duck tape to a chair in Scott McCall's room, facing the aforementioned boy and Stiles Stilinski. He still doesn't understand what the hell happened, all he knows is that he has to run from the crazy juniors that bit and kidnapped him. 

After escaping, he starts to run, not knowing exactly where. Somehow he ends up at a big-ish house. One room, at the top left corner, has the lights on. 

He doesn't realize what he is doing as he climbs a tree to see who is in the lit up room. The only sound he hears is the sound of laughter. 

Once he is able to see into the room, a small smile appears on his face. Anna, one of the first people he spoke to at his new school was sitting with a blonde girl and laughing at something while eating ice cream. 

Suddenly, he falls off the tree, making a loud sound as he crashes into the bushes. The laughter stops and the window is pulled up. Anna's head pops out, surveying the area. Liam hides in the bushes and sighs, hearing the window close. 

He stands up and starts to walk away, but not without taking one more look back at the house.


"Mason! Wait up!" Anna yells, grabbing Hannah's hand and pulling her towards their friends. Garret, Violet, his girlfriend, and Mason all wait as the girls catch up.

"I'm not watching another movie on a Friday night." Garret complains as they group together. "Mason, there's gotta be something going on. Does your brother know of anything, Anna?"

"You remember we're freshmen, right?" Hannah laughs. "You just got off the school bus."

"While I was driven by this lovely freshman right here." Anna kisses Hannah on the cheek.

"Fine. Movie at your place, 9:00?" Violet suggests.

"Mind if I invite someone?" Anna asks.

"Who?" Mason raises an eyebrow.

"She wants to invite Liam." Hannah wiggles her eyebrows. 

"Not like that, Han. I just want to include him in stuff. He's new to the school, even though you three," She looks at Mason, Violet and Garret. "Know him from before."

"Invite him. It's fine with me." Garret shrugs. "Lets go, Vi." Garret tugs his girlfriend away, leaving Mason, Hannah and Anna.

"Crap, I forgot. I need your math notes." Hannah tells Anna.

"Fine. Let me run and get them." Anna groans, running into the school.

"Hey, Liam." Mason greets a panting Liam. "Why weren't you on the bus?"

"I ran." He replies. 

"You ran three miles to school?" Hannah gapes. "And with the lacrosse injury?"

"Sorry, I don't think we've met." Liam blinks at her.

"I'm Hannah, Anna's best friend." Both Mason and Hannah smirk at her statement.

"Nice to meet you."

"But seriously, dude. Three miles?" Mason asks.

"I just started running." Liam shrugs. 

"So, you're leg's ok." Hannah states, looking at it.

"What happened to your arm?" Mason walks forward, looking at the bandaged limb. Liam looks down, feeling dizzy. Liam grabs onto a hand rail, breathing heavily. 

"Liam, are you ok?" Hannah and Mason look at him, concern in their eyes. 

Liam looks up and sees the last person he wants to see: Scott McCall. "Han, here are the-- hey Liam." Anna jogs up to the group and Liam's eyes snap back to hers. "Are you ok? You look like you just ran a marathon."

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