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Minhyuk grinned mischievously and wiggles his eyebrows to me while leaning closer. Damn it, why do my heart beats like it's going to explode?

I pressed my palm onto his forehead, pushing him away from me "Stop right there, Mr Kang."

As expected, Minhyuk bursted into laughter after hearing my trembling voice. Ah, curse me. I'm really bad at concealing my heart, I can't act as good as him.

"Ah, I was just going to whisper the nickname to you though. I know my limits, noona." He chuckled. Great, he makes me sounds like I was the one hoping he would do 'something' to me.

I rolled my eyes at him, trying to hide the embarrassed side of me "Just tell me already." I'm sure my cheeks are red again, I blushed easily anyway. Ah, I'm so screwed.

Minhyuk grinned widely, "You'll call me oppa, and I'll call you Jinnie."

There he goes again, asking me to call him oppa. Guys really love this oppa thing, don't they? The cringe is real, I can even feel my face burning up.

"Why, is there any problem?" He wiggled his eyebrows aggressively. I stared at him without saying anything for a few minutes. Do I really have to do this? I meanㅡ what makes me really have to be in this shit?

"That's right, you have to be nice to me tomorrow." He patted my hands with a smile on his face. Sometimes he looks cute with that smile. Ah, don't misunderstand me. He is cute, that's why he's an idol now.

I brushed his hand off mine "Why tomorrow?" But Kang Minhyuk this cow is someone who's obsessed with skinship, he cupped my cheeks before pinching them gently, "Just.. be nice to me."

Ugh. Remind me again why do I need to bear with this shit? Oh, I need to pass my internship in order to be a successfull make up artist. Keep that in mind, Han Hyojin.

"Good night," I walked into the room, leaving him at the sofa, nodding at me with his sweet smile "Sweet dreams, Jinnie."

I woke up to a whisper in my ear. At first I couldn't get what the whisper was saying but I sat up straight tge moment I heard the word 'jagiya' being whispered in my ears.

Of course, there was a silly Kang Minhyuk sitting beside me with a lopsided grin on his face. "What are you doing?" I glared at him.

"What?" Minhyuk blinked his eyes like he didn't know a thing. "Uh, this?" He leaned to my ears and whispered, "Jagiya.. wake up."

I had goosebumps everywhere on my body the moment he uttered the word 'jagiya'. Oh my god, all my life I'd never think someone would call me that cringe-worthy name! We are just faking this relationship, why the hell is him overacting?!

Maybe he saw this unsatisfied expression on my face he started panicking and apologising to me. "Relax, Jinnie. I tried waking you up but you didn't so I though I'd try a new way to wake you up. Sorry." He ended his words with a grin.

Really? Is this Kang Minhyuk? I kinda miss his grumpy side now? Or is he grumpy only at work when he is tired? Damn it, I have so much confusion in me.

"Go take a bath, breakfast's ready. I want to take you somewhere afterwards." He patted my cheek and walked out of the room. I just noticed that he was wearing an apron and smelled like hot sweet pancakes.

I heaved out a heavy sigh befire heading to the bathroom. I need to be successful in my life. Maybe I'll find my success with this path. This is my destiny now, I just have to bear with it and keep my shit together. Just for two months, Hyojin, try to adjust yourself with this situation.

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