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Sam was about to knock when we opened the door. "Fuck dean. Why are you naked opening you door. Fuck you both are." "I'm just gonna go gouge my eyes out with a rusty spoon and bleach my memory." "You do that Sammy. But if you must know we were moving to the bathroom." "Dean I swear I'm happy for you but please do something so people know not to disturb you." "Will do Sammy." I love cas to death but I swear Sam needs someone to love. He likes to invade stuff. "Deeeean. I'm bored and excited, please let me suck first." "You're really eager cas how about we try some ttty hung fun. I will hold you by the legs while you're upside down and you will suck me whole I suck you." "Yes dean that sounds amazing but complicated." "It is very complicated but you're an angel so we have our ways of making it work. But if you want me to be upside down I'm okay with that." "Dean I would love it if you were the one upside down." "Okay." So we tried it and it took twenty minutes to get into position. But we did it. "Deeeaaaannnn I'm gonna cum I can feel it. Please tell me you're about to also." "Yes cas but please cum in my mouth and let me cum in yours but don't drop me." Next thing I know I'm falling as soon as cas came he was on cloud nine and dropped me. Which caused him to bite my dick. "Owe. Cas I thought you said you wouldn't drop me. I need to go to the hospital. My head and my dick is bleeding. You have some sharp teeth." "Sam!! Get the impala started." "Why cas?!" "Dean needs to go to the hospital he's bleeding." "Ok I'm on it you get him in the car." Okay sam." So cas grabbed me and carried me to the car before I blacked out. I woke up in a bed with tubes and beepers in me. "C-c-cas where are you." "I'm right here baby." "Sam are you here to." "Yes dean and we aren't going anywhere." "Okay what happened." "Umm well we were in the bathroom and we had an oops happen." "What do you mean." "I don't want to say in front of sam its embarrassing." "Oh just say it Cas its not like this day could get ore awkward for me." "Well dean we were trying something you suggested where I gold you upside down and we do a standing version of 69 and I came in your mouth and dropped you which caused me to bite your dick, you had to get stitches in both your head and dick. But there is no permanent damage." "Oh ok cas will you lay with me I'm cold." "Yes dean."

Savior And Mistakes (A Destiel Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now