pregnancy test!!!

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I took cas to the store and bought a pregnancy test for him. The woman at the checkout counter looked at us and said, "what do two men need with a pregnancy test." I whispered in Cas' ear,"I'm gonna lie and say its for our sister okay baby." "Okay dean," he whispers back

"Its for our sister ma'am."

"Of course sir i never thought otherwise."

We left after that and drove home eager to get the results. Cas ran to the bathroom with the sack.

"Did you not stop to pee on the way back?"

"Nice to see you too Sam. And yes but I didn't let cas pee for very secret reasons."

"He's pregnant isn't he?"

"We don't know he's taking the test now. But he has all the symptoms, what if he is, I already have two children, I had to kill one and the other has,no idea who I am. What if I'm not a good father?"

"You'll be a great father, you practically raised me while still growing up yourself, Dean you will be wonderful."

"Thanks Sammy."

Cas came running out excitedly, with a look in his face that was so cute and it was just absolutely adorable.

"Dean we're gonna be parents!!! It says I'm pregnant!"

"Really. Can I see the test?"


He handed me the test. And sure enough it was positive.

"I'm gonna be a dad..."

"We're gonna be dads dean."

"Am I gonna be a good father, cas baby."

"You're gonna be wonderful, we're gonna be wonderful. Let's not forget uncle Sammy too."

"And you have all your brothers and sisters."

"Well only the ones I want around them."

"And who would that be?"

"Gabriel, Anna, and Lucifer."

"I'm fine with Gabe and Luci but not Anna."


How do I find a Doctor that is okay with male pregnancy?

"Soooo... How was the honey moon?"

"Oh yeah, it was wonderful... How were things here."

*Gabriel stumbles out of sams room wearing Sam's robe.*

"Why are you here Gabe?"

Sam answered, "we're together."

"What since when?"

"Since your wedding."

"Well I'm glad you moved on from women since that never turns out well."

Saam brings Gabe back to his room.

"Well I think I know what they are gonna be doing."

"Oh yeah and what would that be?"

"What were we doing everyday after we got together?"

"Oh they're fucking."


I want to be a good father I really do. I'm just really nervous that I might mess up. I want cas to be happy.

"I think I know who could be your 'Doctor'."

"Oh really who?"

"Chuck, since you said he's god he should have some experience with kids and child birth."

"Okay we'll call him tomorrow."

"I'm tired cas baby let's go to bed."

After cas went to sleep I did some research on angel prenancy. It said they are only pregnant for 8 weeks. Cas has been pregnant for about 3.

I can't believe that in five weeks I'm gonna be a father.

"Dean we're gonna have triplets!"

"Tri-tri-triplets." My mouth hung open gapping.

"Yeah I just went and talked to god about my pregnancy and he told me triplets."

Three children wow. We are gonna be busy.

"I think I'm gonna go for a drive."

"Oh I'll come with you."

"No no Ireally need some time to myself."

"Oh ok dean. I'll wait here then."

I got my keys and went to start baby. I drove for what felt like hours but I didn't care I just wanted to think about being the best father in the world.

But I love cas. Always. Forever.

So the next part is gonna be a little different. And I dontvexactly have a plan yet for that part. I was thinking maybe put it in Sam's point of view or maybe chucks. But that's just an idea. There is also maybe have dean dream about his and cas' future together. 666 words.

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