time for a wedding

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Well there are five minutes until I walk down the aisl. I'm so nervous. "Its okay dean everything will be all right. You're safe with him." I know I'm somewhat safe with him but I will never be totally safe. Not now not ever. "Hey dean its time." "Okay Sam." We open the doors and everyone stands as Sam walks me down the aisl. When i see cas at the end I almost forget we are in a church. But Sam an I reached the end. Chuck started talking "as you know this is no ordinary wedding. My son and dean winchester are going to spend the rest of eternity together. You see I have the power to give someone eternal life if I so wish. Anyways let's get on with this. Castiel I give you away to dean but if you need anything I am here. Dean who gives you away." "I do sir." "Well I'm glad you accept these two together Sam." "Cas is my best friend and dean is my brother I want them to be happy." "Okay now its time for the vows cas you go first." "Now I know I've lived a lot longer than dean. But ever since he was created, I have had strong feelings for him. It wasn't until I had died a few times, became human, regained my grace and became an angel again, went to purgatory with him, and even got stuck in purgatory that I realized I love him. There is no one else I could ask for. I love Dean Winchester. I want to spend all eternity with him." "Your turn Dean." "Since cas pulled me from hell or as he says 'gripped me tight and raised me from perdition' I couldn't stop thinking about him. I had to meet him. When I finally did I was feeling things my dad if he were alive would shoot me so full of rock salt I would crap Margarita's for. But no one could stop me from falling hard and fast for castiel. Even though he literally fell for me. I wouldn't trade cas for any woman in the world or any other guy. He is my one and only." "Castiel do you promise to love and to protect dean as best to your ability." "I do." "And Dean do you promise to protect and love castiel to the best of your ability." "I do." "Then without further ado I now pronounce you Mr. And Mr. Winchester. You may kiss your husband." You don't need to tell me twice. I grabbed cas' tie and pulled him to me, I kissed him like my life depended on it. "Dean maybe we should settle down before we strip each other in front of everyone." He whispered so quietly I could barely hear him. After a few hours of eating a huge pie, yeah we had pie instead of cake. I got a phone call from someone I never thought I would get a call from.

Who should the call be from I don't know right now.

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