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A/N for those of you who are wondering, yes, this story is connected to my other book "The Wand", so you may see Ophelia pop up around here, and you may see events from "The Wand" featured in this book in either Eleanor or James's point of view. I hope you enjoy this first chapter.

Minerva sat in her office. The Headmistress's office. The office that used to belong to her good friend Albus. She was alone now. She had no husband, no children. 

Despite the fact that she was surrounded by the bright and happy, not to mention trouble-making students of Hogwarts. She wanted a child of her own. A daughter. Minerva smiled at the thought of raising a little girl. But as much as she wanted to, she didn't have a husband anymore, and it takes two to make another. And even if the thought of adoption crossed her mind every once in a while, there weren't many orphanages in the Wizarding World, and she doubted she would find a witch in a muggle orphanage.


"Are you sure Filius?" said Minerva excitedly, yet, nervously as she followed the small man.

"There's only one way to find out Headmistress" Flitwick announced as he fast walked with his small legs.

After multiple flights of stairs and a few turns on the hallways, they had finally reached the front doors of the castle. Flitwick ordered the new caretaker to open the massive doors and before she knew it, the gigantic doors of the castle swung open and revealed a small baby in a basket.

"Oh dear!" Minerva exclaimed as she ran towards the baby and Flitwick followed. Once she had reached the basket she knelt down to take a better look of the crying child. "Who's baby is this Filius?" she said before she carefully picked the baby up from her basket and carried her whilst rocking her so she would stop crying.

"I'm not quite sure Headmistress. One of the students in my house came rushing to my door, telling me they heard a baby outside the castle! Naturally I'd inform you before I did anything" Flitwick said

"Oh! Well then, get the basket! We better get this child into the castle!" Minerva quickly said as she walked inside the castle while Flitwick went to get the basket.

"Headmistress... " Flitwick called standing over the basket and then fishing for something inside "There seems to be a letter" he held onto what looked like an envelope.

"Nevermind that Filius, bring it to my my office, as well as the basket" Minerva announced before she rushed into the castle to bring the baby to her office.

I would like to address this to whom it may concern,

Through out all my years in Hogwarts, it had been the safest place in the world, even through the dark times. Hogwarts has always been my home, and it felt right that I bring my child back to where my true home was. Back to where she was made. I am muggle-born you see, and having magical ability apparently didn't protect me from the horrible diseases I inherited from the muggles. There is this muggle sickness, called Cancer, and I have it. I would be dying soon. My daughter has no other family. I'm not quite sure who her father is, and I have no one else to give to her as her family. I couldn't wait for myself to die because I'm afraid once they realize she has no more family to go to, they'll send her to an orphanage, so I am leaving her to the good people of Hogwarts. Please keep her safe, and treat her well, she is my delicate little angel. I have left her clothes in her basket, as well as her favorite blanket. My daughter will need to know who I am somehow , so I have left a picture of me and her, so she has something to remember me by. Please, take care of my baby. I am more than greatful for the love that you would be giving her.

P.S Her name is Eleanor and please don't give her my surname. I can't explain why but please don't. And inside her basket is a necklace that I'd like her to have.

-With respect and gratitude, Victoria Domino

"What will we do of the child Headmistress?" Flitwick said. All the professors had gathered into McGonagall's office to discuss what they would do of the child.

They all looked at the old woman, waiting for what she would answer. Minerva took a deep breath before saying "I will take the child"

"Take the child? But Headmistress, the child cannot be raised in Hogwarts" Pomona countered

"That is true Pomona, that's why I won't be raising her here" Minerva looked at all of them sternly "I will move back to my cottage.. in Hogsmeade, and I will raise her there. Once she is of eleven years old, we will take her to Hogwarts. And once she is of age, we will let her go"

"What about her mother? Shouldn't we speak to her first of the matter? She's already put her name in the letter and surely she hasn't...... you know" said Pomona

"Yes Headmistress! We should speak to the mother first. Ask her if she's sure of her decision! Ask her why there is no family for the child." Flitwick added

"Very well. But...... this muggle disease... this Cancer. I'm not sure if it will last long. Let us give ourselves a whole month, searching for a Victoria Domino..." Minerva decided

Months have passed and the Professors could not find a living Victoria Domino. Minerva, determined to know more of the little baby's mother, had decided to scour countless muggle hospitals in search for anything relating to Victoria Domino or her family. Eventually, she found the right hospital, and it had been confirmed to her that Victoria Domino was dead of lung cancer. Minerva then searched for anyone who remained in the Domino family, but there was none. During Minerva's visit to Victoria's doctor, she had also retrieved the baby's birth certificate. And so, the 4th of May, 2004, baby Eleanor was born into this world. And on the 16th of August, 2005, Eleanor had become Eleanor McGonagall.

"Eleanor! Dear!" McGonagall exclaimed when she saw what little baby Eleanor had done to her room. Some of her toys were on the floor while some were floating in thin air.

Eleanor formed spit bubbles in her mouth before saying "Mama!" and raised her hands. With a few waves of Minerva's wand, she was able to clean the room up.

Eleanor continued to giggle at the old woman. "This is not, in any way, funny, Eleanor" Minerva said sternly. "You're gonna need some sleep." Minerva knelt down to pick Eleanor up and started rocking her in her arms. Minerva started singing Eleanor's special lullaby.

"Wow! How fascinating!" Eleanor grinned as she continued to swipe at the sample phone she'd been looking at at the Apple Store for the past hour. "Oh! How did that happen!" she said as the phone started playing music. "This is nothing like the music the Weird Sisters play!"

"Mother can we buy one!"

Minerva simply smiled at her bright and curious daughter. "Of course dear"

The Headmistress's daughter [James Sirius Potter] (On Hold) Where stories live. Discover now