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It had been a struggle for Eleanor to to try and look her best with her freckles. And over the course of two years, she had managed to get used to it. Everyone else now saw it as a normal thing. There were times when she would lie about being born with them to new people she would meet.

James had still been the same, although he improved his pranks. And because the only person who could mess up their pranks had been getting busier and busier over the years, James and Fred had been succeeding. They still got constant detentions, but it was always worth it when they accomplished one of their pranks.

Fred's bright red hair gleamed in the darkness as the two crawled into the tunnel that connected Hogsmeade and the Ravenclaw common room. James followed the fiery red hair until Fred stopped. James heard a hand shuffle and hit something wooden, and soon, he heard a squeaking sound. Once the small door was open, all James could see was a bunch of bookfilled shelves in a dark room.

"We're here!" Fred squealed and quickly crawled out of the tunnel. He didn't bother to brush the dirt off his clothes, but he did shake his head like how a dog would. James coughed as the dust and dirt flew out of Fred's hair.

"Blimey Freddie! Best get a haircut soon. That way, bugs would stop living in your head" said James, slapping away a beetle from his right arm.

"Yeah, whatever. Let's get this over with! As soon as we finish this, the sooner we escape and go back to the common room!"

"Right! Yeah! Er, give me the ball thing!"

"It's a bomb! I know it's pink, but it's a bomb! Seriously James, with your dad growing up in the muggle world you'd think you'd know more muggle stuff" Fred quickly grabbed a pink, bath bomb looking, ball from his jacket and tossed it for James to catch.

"Alright. Now, get the muggle drinks over here"

Fred obeyed, raising his wand. "Accio five gallons of soda!"

Soon, five gallon sized barrels appeared out of thin air and a loud thunk echoed around the room as they dropped to the ground.

"Alright, are you sure this will work?" James asked as he approached one of the barrels with the pink bomb in his hand

"Yes! I asked my muggle friend about it, and according to him it works!" Fred said

"You mean the muggle 'friend' slash sails man you met on the muggle Internet?"

"Exactly! I think we really hit it off"

"Really? Right, and when you bought all this, where exactly did you tell this muggle you were using it on?" James stretched his back making him look taller than he actually is and crossed his arms

"I told him it was gonna be for an awesome prank! And mind you, I wasn't exactly lying!"

"Whatever let's just get it over with" James pulled two metal rods from his back pocket "Open the barrels"

Fred obeyed, taking the metal rod from James and sticking it into the closest barrel to him. After a few minutes, all the barrels were opened and Fred and James did as the sails man instructed them to. Breaking the small pink ball and throwing them into each of the barrels.

"Did it work?" Fred said, looking into one of the barrels as he casted lumos and pointed his wand on the barrel

James groaned as he watched the liquid inside the barrel fizz until the piece of the pink ball had dissolved "It didn't work!" James smacked Fred on the head

"Hey!" Fred rubbed the back of his head to soothe it "In my defense, the guy said it worked!"

"Yeah well 'the guy' was a con man!"

"Right, well, don't you think I haven't noticed?"

"Whatever. Maybe there's a spell we can use or-" James hesitated. Footsteps were heard, slowly approaching them. "We have to go!" James whispered. Fred nodded and followed James as he tried to crawl back into the tunnel. Once inside the tunnel, Fred casted a quick spell to close the door behind them and the two quickly crawled farther into the tunnel leading back to Hogsmeade. A few seconds passed and they both heard a loud explotion from behind them and James grinned without hesitating.

"Told you it worked!" Fred exclaimed

"Don't 'I told you so' me Freddie!" Fred burst into laughter as the two proceeded with crawling farther and farther into the tunnel.

Once the two were out, they both grinned at each other. James placed his hand on Fred's shoulder and said "Never doubted you buddy"

"Actually you did"

"Stop making me look like a bad friend Fred" the two started walking

"Actually you are"

"We-" James stopped walking "-you did it again!"

"Honesty is the best policy James"

"I don't give a bloody damn Fred"


"Why are you always up so early?" Jenny squinted as the light in their room shot her eyes while she tried to sit up on her bed

"Because I also sleep early" Eleanor replied as she put her hair up in a ponytail before she smoothed her skirt and put her robe on

"Whatever. Just turn the lights off when you leave!"

"Will do" Eleanor grabbed her bag and picked up another book she purchased from a muggle store during her book buying spree whilst on another vacation in the muggle world.

Once out of the Girls' dormitories, Eleanor descended the stairs leading to the Ravenclaw common room, careful not to make too many sounds to prevent the other Ravenclaws from waking.

Eleanor approached the door when she heard whispering in the library inside the common room. She figured it must have just been some other Ravenclaws who woke up just as early as her. But the whispers didn't sound like anyone she knew inside the tower. Eleanor approached the library and heard a quick squeaking sound and a door closing. Once inside the library, she immediately saw five barrels in the middle of it all with fizzing liquid inside. She waited to see what would happen once the fizzing would stop and regretted not leaving the tower earlier when she had the chance. The five barrels exploded and soon she was covered in sticky liquid that smelled like fruit and the common room floor had been flooded with the same liquid.

"Ugh! Those two again!!" Eleanor groaned and screamed as she released her hair from her ponytail to wring it. A few other Ravenclaws in their pajamas quickly ran down from their dormitories to see what had happened.

"What happened?" Cygnus said, walking towards Eleanor. "Oh Merlin. Potter and Weasley, yeah?"

"You think?" Eleanor groaned. Jenny ran up to the dormitories and fetched a towel before running back down. She helped Eleanor take her robe off to replace it with the clean and warm towel.

"Thanks Jen" Eleanor said and Jenny replied with a smile.

"Alright! Ravenclaws, we best get some sponges and mops! Let's clean this mess up!" Cygnus announced while Eleanor grumpily walked back to her dorm and Jenny followed. "Hold up, you!" Cygnus grabbed Jenny by the colar "Where the devil do you think you're going?"

"Wait, I'm supposed to help too?" said Jenny and Cygnus nodded before Jenny groaned and followed the other Ravenclaws who left to fetch the mops and sponges.

"Oh no! The books! I placed all the good ones at the bottom! Now they're soaking!" Connie Davidson cried as she picked up one of the soaking books. "It's gotten sticky.." she opened it ".. no, no, no! The writings have gotten smudged!"

"No doubt your sister probably has something to do with this" Cygnus said as he picked up the other books that were soaking on the flooded floor

"No, Bonnie would never-" Cygnus gave her a look "-yeah she probably did"

The Headmistress's daughter [James Sirius Potter] (On Hold) Where stories live. Discover now