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"Guys, I don't think I should let you in here again. Last time I did, you replaced our books with phone books and we all had to cram ourselves in the library" Dylan, a Ravenclaw boy said as he tried to block James and Fred from getting inside the Ravenclaw common room

"That was just to teach you Ravenclaws a lesson to keep your noses out of your books for a minute or two, Dylan!" James argued

"Yeah Dylan! And, clearly it didn't teach you anything! You've still got your noses stuck in your books" Fred added

A boy suddenly appeared behind Dylan. He looked down on James and Fred, knowing they were here to cause trouble again.

"Cygnus! My favorite Ravenclaw!" James said jokingly

"Potter, Weasley" Cygnus snared "Dylan, go back inside. I don't think I should be trusting you with the door" Dylan lowered his head and quickly ran inside the common room, leaving Cygnus, James and Fred outside. "State your business here, wouldn't want an accident like last time would we?"

"Please! I won't harm a hair on you Ravenclaws. We just... want to hang out" James said while Fred stood behind him

"You do know all the houses have their own common rooms for them to hang out? Why don't you hang out in your own common room? Completely farther away from Ravenclaw tower"

"Because, it's so cool in your common room. I mean you got all those books and all"

"There's a place called a library, not too far away from Gryffindor tower. You might want to check it out. There are more books there"

"Oh come on, Cygnus! Can't we hang out in there?"

"No, Potter! And no means no." Cygnus gave them a stern look "I've charmed this door to not let both of you inside. Nothing can fool it. Not even polyjuice potion. Good day" Cygnus said before slamming the door behind him

"How are we supposed to mess with McGonagall now?" Fred whined

"No worries, my red headed friend! We'll just have to slip the potion in her food later during dinner."

"How the bloody hell are we supposed to do that?"

"You are going to use polyjuice potion to look like Cygnus!" James beamed as he held up a lock of the latter's hair.

"How did you get that?"

"Boys with big heads of hair tend to shed" James said as he put the strand in a plastic baggy he pulled out of his robes earlier.

Although James had a fondness of Eleanor during their first year, he quickly grew hating her because she was always "in their business". Somehow, she was always there at the wrong time.

They were in the nearest bathroom to The Great Hall. "Do I look like a stuck up Ravenclaw now?" Fred said as James watched him pose in silly positions after he drank the polyjuice potion that would make him look like Cygnus Thorne.

"Very" James chuckled "In fact, I feel the urge to punch you in the face just looking at you" he laughed while Fred only chuckled

"So, you got the map?"

"Of course" James pulled out an old, browning, piece of folded parchment from his robes and pointed his wand to it "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good"

The map instantly changed from a blank piece of parchment into a map of Hogwarts, where they could monitor each and every living thing that was inside the premises.

"Alright, now Cygnus is currently in the library" James announced while Fred, in the form of Cygnus, looked over. "I'll make sure he doesn't go near the Great Hall during this. And-" James fished for something in his pockets "-here is a vile of extra polyjuice potion for you, just in case" he said once he pulled out a vile filled with a greenish liquid inside and handed it to Fred

"Alright, best not be wasting time. Let's go!" Fred said as James nodded.

They both ran out of the bathroom, proceeding to The Great Hall. They had discussed not to walk in together, since it would be suspicious. Fred quickly walked over to the Ravenclaw table near Eleanor and James proceeded to the Gryffindor table.

James made sure to watch Cygnus in the map during dinner, while Fred tried his best to put the potion he and James had constructed into Eleanor's meal. After a few moments of waiting for Eleanor to turn away from her food and every other student who might see him, Fred successfully put the potion into Eleanor's meal.

Fred gave James a thumbs up to signal him of his success. James gave him the same gesture once he spotted him.

"erm, I'm gonna need to go to the men's loo. Be right back" Fred said to Eleanor as he stood up from his seat and quickly proceeded to the bathroom he and James had been in before.

Meanwhile, James waited a few moments before he followed his best friend so no one would get suspicious.

"Merlin Elle! Slow down before you choke yourself" Jenny Zabini said to Eleanor as she watched the girl practically devour her plate of food

"Jen, relax! I'm just really tired and I am in desperate need of food!" Eleanor replied

Jenny's eyes widened at Eleanor's face. Freckles had started appearing on her nose, and continued to spread all over her face. "Merlin! Elle! What's happening to your face?!" Jenny gasped and Eleanor looked at her in confusion.

The dots on her face continued to spread on her face. From her nose to her cheeks. All the way up to her forehead and down on her neck. "What? What's wrong with my face?"

Jenny quickly stood from her seat and grabbed Eleanor's arm, leading her into the girls' bathroom. On their way there, they had spotted Fred Weasley and James Potter, walking awfully fast into The Great Hall.

Upon their arrival in the bathroom, Eleanor immediately looked into one of the mirrors. "Bloody hell!" she gasped as she held her hands to her face.

"How do you think that happened?" said Jenny

"I don't know!" Eleanor stared into her reflection for a few moments before she screamed. Her scream was so loud, it's as if the glass windows and the mirrors were about to break. It was so loud, everyone in the Great Hall could hear it.

"Looks like it worked" James laughed upon hearing the loud scream and Fred laughed with him. After the scream had ended, a few moments passed before Eleanor stormed into The Great Hall with Jenny on her tale.

"YOU SICK LITTLE TOE-RAG!!!" She screamed as she ran to wear James and Fred were seated and pointed her wand at them.

Immediately, Professor McGonagall, along with Professors Flitwick and Longbottom, approached Eleanor

"What seems to be the problem here?" McGonagall said as Professor Longbottom pulled Eleanor away from James and Fred.

"Headmistress, look at me!" Eleanor cried "James Potter did this to me!" she said as McGonagall examined her face and turned to James

"Very well" McGonagall started "Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley, please come to my office after dinner, you too Eleanor. I'd like to know how all of this happened" Eleanor nodded and walked back to the Ravenclaw table along with Jenny.

"Well, what are you all waiting for!? Move on with your dinner!" Flitwick announced as he followed McGonagall and Professor Longbottom back to where they were seated before.

The Headmistress's daughter [James Sirius Potter] (On Hold) Where stories live. Discover now