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Eleanor loved muggles. She loved everything the muggles have come up with. Heck, she'd give up magic to know more and more about muggles. She'd live with the muggles if she knew how to. She was a Ravenclaw after all. Whenever she got interested into something, she had to know everything about it. 

She was in the NetShed. Along with some muggle-borns who were contacting their families. There were even half-bloods there. And, she could have sworn she had seen one of the pure-blood Parkinson twins in there. It was a little awkward when she came in and bumped into Professor Stewart.... extremely awkward even.

She had been watching this muggle show called The Big Bang Theory, and, Merlin, did she want to know more about Physics and Astronomy. Astronomy in the muggle world seemed different. Two of the characters in the show she'd been watching had found a meteor in this one particular episode. The two had been arguing what to call the meteor they had found. The other one, much taller, who goes by the name Sheldon, was much more dominant. He believed he was smarter than everybody else. He was a Physicist, but his Indian Astronomer friend had invited him to help him with his work. She loved that show so much. She loved it so much that she, not only bought muggle contemporary and fantasy novels during the summer, but, she also got herself some muggle Astronomy books and Physics books. She didn't bother to check the Geology ones out. Sheldon said Geology wasn't a real Science. And after much research, Eleanor did seem to get bored with it. All it talked about was rocks, rocks, and more rocks. While Physics explained everything.... except magic. Scientists in the muggle world didn't seem to believe in things such as magic or anything supernatural. They believed everything was all just Science.

After a few episodes of The Big Bang Theory, she decided it was time to go back to studying... even though it was a weekend. It was either studying or rewatching every episode of The Big Bang Theory all over again. She didn't have any books to read since she had already finished all the books she bought the last time she was in muggle London. Eleanor properly shut her laptop down and took her charger out of her laptop bag and proceeded with charging it before she left. After nearly two years of doing so, she knew exactly how long it took for her laptop to charge, so she knew exactly what time to go back for it. She unplugged her previously charging phone and set an alarm for six hours. 

After doing her weekly routine at the NetShed, she proceeded with going back into the Hogwarts castle and into Ravenclaw tower where she knew that no Ravenclaw would disturb her because they'd all be studying or reading.... well, except for Jenny, who despite was very fond of studying, loved being the typical teenage girl she was. She'd read a few pages of her text books for an hour and proceed with whatever shenanigans she had in mind, whether it was talking about other girls, talking about other boys, or talking about obnoxious teachers.

The doors squeaked as Eleanor pushed them open. Upon opening them, someone bumped into her. The person was  quite big and tall, so she assumed the person was a boy. She turned her head to look at him and realized it was Potter.

"The bloody hell  were you doing in there?" She said. 

James stopped running down the stairs, he looked back at her. His hair was quite messed up. And he had pink all over his lips. His shirt looked wrinkled in so many places. It looked as if someone had been clutching onto them. "Stuff" James continued to run down the stairs and Eleanor ran after him, grabbing him by his shirt.

"Bollocks McGonagall! Bugger off!" James snapped  

"Excuse me? Was I the one you found in your common room? I'm a prefect James. I have the right to know what sort of-I dunno-whataver or something other you're doing in there"

James sighed in frustration. "Aagghh. Eleanor-" he exhaled "I've been snogging in there with a girl who's name I can't quite remember. And because I can't remember her name, she, I believe is about to hex me if I don't run quick enough. And before you ask anything else, I have a Quidditch match tomorrow, so, like you always say to me, piss off, and have a good afternoon"

"JAMES SIRIUS POTTER I SWEAR I WILL HEX YOU! YOU WANKER!" They  both heard a girl cry from inside the common room and James immediately ran off almost as fast as he was on a broom

"Where is he?" the girl said once she was out of the tower. Eleanor was still holding the door open.

"He's gone off." Eleanor started "Leave him be, I'll just find a way for him to get detention all right?" Eleanor patted the girl on the back


"So did you feel anything?"

"What?" Eleanor grabbed one of Jenny's stray dirty clothes from the floor and threw them into the hamper

"You know, when James said he'd been snogging that girl" Jenny closed the book she'd been reading and set it onto her nightstand before removing her glasses

"What do you mean?"

"Come on Elle. You know how the muggle stories go, the girl has too much smarts and wits, the boy is handsome and annoying and somehow under the midst of all that oppositeness, they end up together"

"Which is why there's this thing called plot twists"

"I prefer to call them 'disappointing endings'"

"Jen, would you stop leaving you're socks and shoes everywhere? This isn't like the Zabini household. There aren't any elves around here and you can't use me as one" Eleanor said in an attempt to changed the subject. It was always easy to change the subject with Jenny. She was too easy to distract. Why, she could dangle some keys in front of her and she'd shut up.

"Well, I'm sorry! You know me, Elle. I don't know how to do any of this!"

"You don't know how to put socks in a hamper and shoes under a bed?

Jenny made another one of her puppy dog faces where she would stick her bottom lip out and flash her gorgeous blue eyes. "You're just as annoying as Potter and Weasley"

"You love me anyway" Jenny said, tucking herself into her bed. Eleanor shut the lights and did the same. "Just like Potter" Jenny mumbled to herself

The Headmistress's daughter [James Sirius Potter] (On Hold) Where stories live. Discover now