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Eleanor and her mother had spent quite some time in muggle Italy during the summer. And despite the fact that Wizarding History is quite interesting, muggle history and lore made Eleanor want to stay in the muggle world even longer, forever even. She learned about muggle art history, muggle literary history and so much more. It was interesting to her how complicated muggles could be. Not to mention how far muggles have gotten with the modern world and their technology. The fact that they've gone through so much without magic was fascinating to her.

"Alright, have you got everything you need?" McGonagall said to her daughter

"Yes, mother, for the tenth time today! I've got everything" Eleanor smiled

"Very well. Now I know I won't be going on the train with you, but I'll need to be with you when you go through the platform."

Eleanor nodded in response as her mother accompanied her to platform 9 3/4.

"Now, all you need to do is run straight through there.." McGonagall pointed to the charmed wall ".. between platforms nine and ten. Alright?"


"Alright, now I'll be going now. I'll meet you at Hogwarts. I just have to meet with Professor Longbottom"

"Of course, mother."

"Alright" McGonagall said before patting her daughter's back to signal her to go. She watched as Eleanor ran through platform 9 3/4 before she left.

Eleanor stood there, waiting for the train with the other families who were saying their goodbyes to their children. It was her first time going on the Hogwarts express, since she lived at Hogsmeade and she usually went with her mother. She had absolutely no bloody idea what to do. She thought she would just do what the other kids would do. And most of the kids there just stood, waiting for the train, unless they were saying their goodbyes to their parents.

She soon spotted the Potters. She saw Mr. Harry Potter conversing with his other son about something. She realized it must have been some advice to help him through his first year. She prayed the young boy was nothing like his older brother. And then she saw James ruffling his little sister's hair while they both laughed with their mother standing beside them. Soon, she heard the Hogwarts Express train screech as it came to a stop. Students immidtialey ran inside, probably to get a good compartment before anyone else. Eleanor didn't run like everyone else. She was too lazy to and she wasn't accustomed to running like the others. She thought running wouldn't be necessary. She was wrong.

Eleanor walked inside the train and looked for a compartment she could occupy. She was being a little too choosy with the compartments. She saw one with just one boy sitting in it. But he was eating a hard boiled egg and was dipping it in, what looked like, vinegar. So she gave that one a pass. All the other compartments she tried looking into were already occupied and full too. But she kept looking.

After almost twenty minutes of looking through the train, Eleanor had no luck. Once she felt the train movie underneath her, she spotted two blonde boys, who seemed younger than her, enter a compartment. She decided to go with that compartment since she probably had no choice. She looked through the glass door to look inside. Her eyes fixed on the two identical blonde boys who had just entered before her, and then she looked over to the brunette girl beside them, and then she saw a girl who had a head full of ginger colored hair, and beside her was James and his young brother.

James turned his head and stared at Eleanor. Eleanor, not having much of a choice knocked, even though it was obvious that the compartment was completely packed.

"Top of the morning McGonagall!" James exclaimed and Eleanor rolled her eyes

"Shut it, Potter! I just wanted to ask if I could come in. There aren't any other acceptable compartments"

The Headmistress's daughter [James Sirius Potter] (On Hold) Where stories live. Discover now