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Simon tried to hit Lucas Moreau on his pretty little head, but he couldn't. Cygnus was right, Lucas was a greatly skilled swordsman. And an enchanted sword was no exception to his abilities. Ivanka Aspen had already fallen. Her Hippogriff fell beneath her as Lucas slashed his sword through the creature's right wing. Luckily, the sword was charmed to not do any sort of permanent damage to whatever it touched, which meant though the Hippogriff couldn't fly now, it will quite soon. As Ivanka's Hippogriff fell, she immediately summoned her broom to prevent her from falling and eventually, dying. The battle was between Simon and Lucas now. Each time Simon felt he had a good shot of hitting the French boy, Lucas always found a way to block him, whether it was making his Hippogriff back away, or blocking Simon with his sword.

"They said this was jousting!" Simon said through gritted teeth, desperate to end the battle and to end Lucas. Simon groaned as his hand got tired. His right hand controlled the fantastic beast beneath him, his left hand tried to it's best to stay awake. Some of the Beauxbatons students had come to realize Simon was getting weaker by the minute, so they cheered more and more for Lucas.

The Hogwarts crowd had mixed feelings though. "YOU CAN DO IT!!! KILL THE BEAST IF YOU HAVE TO" Bailey screamed with her fist in the air

"Hang on Wales! I wouldn't call Moreau a beast" Fred said while James grinned at his bestfriend

"Yeah, Wales! He's not as good looking as me, but he doesn't look nearly as bad as you either!" James joined in

Bailey, taking advantage of the fact that she was one seat beneath the two "prats", hit the two on their crotches with her elbow. "Twats" Bailey mumbled as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"She was referring to Simon, you toe-rags!" Eleanor said to the two.

"You know, I just realized, she's a little cute when she's angry" James said. And thought he was holding onto his crotch area, thinking it would help the pain, he was actually grinning

"Does that truly apply to me or is that another one of the legendary lines you use on other girls before me?"

"It's one of his legendary lines! Ask any girl from Hogwarts if they've heard it." Fred said before James nudged him on the shoulder "You'll... find... the....answer... q-quite.. satisfying"

Eleanor smiled at this. Because though two body parts of Fred's were in pain, he could still laugh. She had always been fond of Fred more than James.

"I thought we had an agreement that you wouldn't blow it?" James said through gritted teeth to Fred

"Oh, pish posh Jamesie! Look! Her face is as red as my currently in pain pen-" Bailey hit Fred again in the crotch before he could finish "Ok, maybe not as red... anymore"

"Ooh! I don't think anybody would blow that" Jenny laughed and Eleanor followed.

Although the battle between Simon and Lucas was nearly brutal, only the Hippogriffs were hurt. Simon's Hippogriff had an almost fatal injury near it's stomach. Luckily, their swords were charmed, so the creature hadn't gotten hurt in any way.

Eleanor, Bailey and Jenny were all seated next to their fellow Hogwarts students, in the massive dining area in the chateau of Beauxbatons, as they waited for their meals to be served. The Beauxbatons boys continued to cheer for Lucas, prior to his victory against Ivanka and Simon.

Eleanor didn't really care that much for whoever won or lost. She wasn't fond of any of the three. Although, who was she to judge?

"So how did Simon take it?" said Eleanor to Cygnus as they all ate in the Beauxbatons Great Hall

"Not too well, I suppose. I don't really care. I tried to help and he shut me out. His loss, not mine" replied Cygnus

"Someone looks like he's taking it well" Jenny said, nudging Eleanor. They both looked in the direction of Lucas, who, not only was enjoying his meal due to his victory, but, was also being smothered by countless girls, both from Beauxbatons and Hogwarts.

"Looks like it's gonna be a little too difficult for him to find a date for the Yule Ball" said Eleanor

"Speaking of dates" Eleanor took her gaze away from Lucas, who was now being congratulated by his peers and faced Jenny "Who are you gonna take?"

"No one" Eleanor said without hesitation

"No one? What do you mean no one? There's gotta be someone"

"Yeah, Elle, there's gotta be someone" Bailey suddenly said, squeezing herself into their conversation


"I think the real question is why not" Jenny picked a grape up from her food and tossed it into her mouth

"Dates are stupid! And being socially required to bring one to the Yule Ball is absurd, not to mention kind of sexist!"

"No it's not!" Jenny protested "Bringing a date is the highlight of the Yule Ball! It's like going to a prom, like we always see in the muggle movies!"

"Yeah! Like that prom from Carrie!" Bailey said

"Bailey... no.. I wasn't referring to the prom for Carrie. That wasn't the sort of prom I was referring to"

"Whatever. That prom was awesome! You're just weird!"

"No, you're weird!" Eleanor laughed

"Okay, how did we get from "who's taking who to the Yule Ball" to "Carrie Was it cool or not?: A debate" Jenny said, throwing her arms in the air

"I don't know what you're talking about, I think the latter was a better topic"

"Don't change the topic!" exclaimed Jenny

"What topic?" said Bailey

"The topic about changing the topic?" Eleanor tilted her head

"Wait, which topic did we change the topic from?"

"I think that topic was the first topic which is the topic about getting a date for the Yule ball"

"Stop saying topic!" Jenny was slightly angry now, but that didn't worry Eleanor nor Bailey. They knew Jenny could never get mad at them for too long

"Topic topic bo botic banana fanna fo fotic fee fy mo motic! Topic!" Eleanor and Bailey both laughed

"You're a pair of toe-rags you know that?" Jenny glared at the two

"It doesn't matter!" Eleanor laughed even harder

"You looove us!" said Bailey in the most princess-y tone she could manage

The Headmistress's daughter [James Sirius Potter] (On Hold) Where stories live. Discover now