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Eleanor's screams seemed as if they had lasted for a whole minute. The sleeping patients in the room had woken up, and the other healers' hands shook as they tried to heal their patients. Most of the students in the wing had covered their ears with their hands, others with their pillows. One student had been the lucky one for having lost his right ear and almost never cleaning his other ear.

McGonagall burst through the doors leading inside the Hospital Wing when Eleanor stopped screaming. Her throat felt so sore, it was as if she had tonsils. McGonagall immediately ran to her daughter and asked Charlotte, the healer, what the matter was. Eleanor looked at Charlotte as she tried to soothe her throat and Charlotte nodded knowingly. She explained how she had been trying to look for a solution to Eleanor's problem for hours and hours, but failed. Charlotte added that whatever caused her freckles had been something unheard of. There had been no spell or potion in existence that could clean the mess up. "Whatever caused it, must have been something new" Charlotte concluded

"It's James!" Eleanor croaked. She slapped her hand back to her throat, trying to soothe the pain her speaking caused "He and Fred must have made it on their own" She continued , croaking and hesitating in between words

"I see" McGonagall lowered her glasses as she took a closer look at Eleanor "it'll be fine dear" She smiled "You're still beautiful to me"

Eleanor tried her best to smiled back as Charlotte poured her a glass of water "Here-" She said as she shoved the glass to Eleanor's face "for your throat"

Eleanor nodded and drinked. "I will speak with Potter later. In the meantime, you should get some rest", McGonagall announced while she combed her fingers through Eleanor's hair.

The girl shook her head. "I can't just rest! I've missed almost a whole day of classes!" said Eleanor

"No! You've had enough stress put upon you. I'll speak with Potter, and you get some rest! That means no trying to catch up with lessons! I'll have you excused, and I'll also have your teachers catch you up on the lessons when you're well!" McGonagall scolded and Eleanor nodded.

While Eleanor had been resting in silence in the comforts of Ravenclaw tower, the other Ravenclaws hadn't bothered to speak to her. Mostly because some of them were too busy over homework and tests, others were trying to rest, and Eleanor had told Cygnus she didn't want anyone bothering her, and so he made sure no one did.

"Jenny! Merlin! I told you! She doesn't want any sort of company right now!" Cygnus scolded as he tried to stop Jenny Zabini from going up the stairs leading to the girl's dormitory.

"Please! Cygnus! I share the same dorm with her! I'm bound to enter that room anyway! Why not now?" Jenny replied whilst she held on to Bailey Wales' (a Hufflepuff) wrist as she dragged her up to the girls' dormitories.

"Yeah Cygnus! Just checking up on our friend is all!" Bailey laughed

The two girls were too fast for Cygnus. He groaned once they had reached the girls' dormitories and ran a hand through his hair when they slammed the door in front of him. He heard the two girls on the other side of the door as they ambushed Eleanor with questions.

"Hold up! Guys! I'm fine! I'm not sick, mum just wanted me to rest and I was enjoying the silence!" Eleanor said as she tried to prevent the two girls from hugging her

"Doesn't matter! You're a girl! I'm a girl! I know how horrible it feels when your face gets covered up in spots!" said Bailey, throwing her hands up. The three laughed, remembering that they had recently watched the muggle movies about 101 Dalmatians. "Spots" Bailey sighed when the laughter ended

The Headmistress's daughter [James Sirius Potter] (On Hold) Where stories live. Discover now