Chapter 9

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I emerged from my room the next morning, still in Andy's hoodie. I didn't really give a shit what my family thought now. I just wanted to have some part of Andy with me. I smiled, knowing what he'd say in this situation. He'd say "But you have my heart Sarah," and kiss my forehead.

My chest tightened at the thought of Andy. I pushed past it and walked to the kitchen.

"Love your jacket," Alyssa smiled, handing me an apple.

I looked down at my attire. It didn't sound as if she was being sarcastic. "Thanks," I said, taking the apple and grabbing a knife to cut it so I wouldn't have to touch my piercing.

"Where's Mom and Dad?" I asked, sitting myself on the bench.

"Dad's in the basement working," she replied before lowering her voice. "Mom's in the living room..."

I nodded, starting to cut the apple and bite down on one of the pieces.

"Did you get that jacket from Andy?" she pondered, reaching into the fridge and pulling out the orange juice. I nodded as she poured us both a glass.

"You know I don't hate him right?" She handed me the juice. I nodded again. "I don't understand why Mom and Dad do. He's actually a nice guy."

"If only you could tell them that."

"I tried. They thought you had paid me to say that."

"If I was going to pay you, I would have made you say something weirder than that."

We both laughed. "I'm sure you would," she smiled.

"Sure she would what?" Mom asked as she walked through the doorway.

Alyssa and I stopped laughing. I shuffled to a more comfortable position.

"Sarah get off the bench," Mom snapped. "It's not for sitting on."

So much for comfortable. I jumped down from the bench and leaned against it, taking another piece of apple into my mouth.

"Where'd you get that?" Mom asked, pointing to Andy's hoodie.

"Where do you think I got it from?" The words were out before I could stop them.

"Don't sass me," Mom shouted, trying to act tough again. I rolled my eyes as she started another lecture.

"You know, you wouldn't be this rude if you weren't dating that boy," she began. Andy was now referred to as "that boy". I didn't listen to what she said after that. I was more interested in the fly trying to escape from the window. I walked over to it and freed it from this hell.

"If only I could be free," I thought as I watched it fly away. My mind clicked and I ran to my room, locking the door in the process. I could hear my mother shouting for me not to leave while she was talking but it didn't matter.

I had gotten an idea for a song.


After an hour of song writing, there was three knocks at the door. Two short, one long. Alyssa.

I opened the door and she walked in, carrying a box of cookies. She placed the cookies on my desk and sat on my bed. It struck me just how different we were from each other.

She had blonde hair, I had black. I had green eyes, she had blue. She was considered popular and sexy, I was considered goth or emo. But we both loved each other as if nothing was different. Apart by one year and four months, she still considered me her "baby sister".

"So," Alyssa smiled, grabbing a cookie. "What have you been doing for the past hour?"

"Writing," I replied, taking a cookie too. "Was Mom pissed?"

"Yeah," she laughed. "I had to get Dad to take her out and calm her down... What are you writing?"

"Songs mostly."

"Oh quick, go on YouTube. There's a video you should see."

I logged in to YouTube and scrolled down. Right at the top of the most viewed was a video of me singing, taken at the Warped Tour.

"Why didn't you tell me you could sing?" she asked as the video finished.

"You sound like the guys," I smiled. "I never knew I could."

"You're brilliant Sarah!"

"Thanks," I grinned, shutting down the web page and turning back to my songs.

"I'll leave you to it then," she laughed, seeing me already back into it. She closed the door quietly and I smiled. She understood.


I stared at the blank page, unable to put words to paper. It made sense though. I had been writing for hours. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. There was no inspiration left. I decided three songs were enough so I got up from my chair and climbed into bed. I wasn't expecting to fall asleep, but clearly my mind had other plans.

I woke with a shock. Not as pleasant as I wanted to sleep, but it would have to do. I sat up and looked at the clock on the nightstand. 7:34pm.

That explains why I'm so hungry. I pulled the covers away. I was still in my pajamas and Andy's hoodie. Fuck it. I couldn't be bothered changing now. I got out of bed and walked to the door, Brittle close behind me.

"Nice of you to join us," Dad said as I walked into the dining room and sat down, staring at what little food they had provided me. Was this punishment? A small bread roll, a half piece of steak and a glass of water? I glanced around the table. My parents didn't dare make eye contact and Alyssa thought it best to stay quiet. I started to eat but my mind kept drifting back to Andy.

When I did manage to finish eating, I stood up, grabbed my plate and left. I placed the plate in the dishwasher and treaded upstairs for a shower.

I turned on the tap and the warm water poured out of the shower head. I stripped down quickly, wanting to get under the water. The water provided me with some sense of warmth and comfort which I clearly never got from my parents. The water was able to wash away some part of the sadness. I laid down and let the water circle around my body.

I had stayed in the shower until my skin was wrinkled like a prune. I turned the water off and got out, wrapping a towel around my body. I stared at the girl in the mirror. Pale, thin, dark circles from a restless night. I sighed and got dressed into the same clothes as before. I brushed my hair, then my teeth, and trudged back downstairs to my bedroom.

I picked up my phone from my desk and called Andy. There was no answer. I sighed and dialled Ashley's number. He picked up on the second ring. "Hello?"

"Hey Ash."

"Hi Sarah. What's up?"

"Is Andy there?"

"Yeah. Hold on, I'll get him."

"Thanks Ash."

I heard a shuffling and CC yelled at Jake before I heard Andy's voice once again. "Hey baby."

I sighed. "Hey. Is your phone dead?"

"Yeah," he chuckled. "So what'd you do today?"

I smiled. "Wrote a couple of songs, no biggie."

"No biggie? That's amazing babe."

I giggled. "What'd you do?"

"Thought of you."


"For god's sake you two!" I heard Jinxx yell. "Get a room!"

"What's going on?"

"Ash and Kahls making out on the couch."

"Of course."

"Speaking of which, I should go. Don't want to waste Ashley's battery or anything."

"I should too. I love you."

"I love you more."

"Bye baby."


There was the dial tone and I sighed. I laid back on my bed and fell into sleep again.

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