Chapter 11

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"Thanks again C," I smiled. He nodded and I kissed his cheek. I opened the car door, taking my bag in my hand and walked up to Andy's door. The sun had just started to rise, leaving everything with a slight orange glow. CC left and I knocked on Andy's door before dropping my incredibly heavy bag on the doorstep. I heard Andy trip over something and curse before the door swung open, revealing Andy to be surprised to see his girlfriend standing at his door and a huge suitcase at her feet.

"Babe," Andy said as he embraced me. "What are you doing here?"

"I moved out," I put plainly. Andy sighed and picked up my bag.

"That's why you asked if there was room here?" he asked, leading me inside. I nodded and followed him in. He put my bag next to his, now our, bed and hugged me again. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Maybe later..." My words drifted off as I thought of the nightmare I had. "I just want to be with you again."

"You're with me," Andy grinned. "You're always with me."

I half smiled and sighed. I was finally back with Andy, this time I wouldn't have to worry whether my parents approved or not. Andy kissed my forehead and I laid down on his, our, soft bed. I slipped into sleep easier now that I was in Andy's arms.


I reached across the bed from habit. I wasn't expecting to feel his body next to mine, but it was. I opened my eyes and remembered the events of last night. I sighed. No more parents. No more rules. No more disapproval.

Andy turned to me. "Hey," he smiled. "You're awake." I nodded and he kissed my nose. I giggled and sat up.

"How'd you sleep?" Andy asked, sitting up as well.

"Better now I'm with you."

"Good," Andy pulled away the covers and got out of bed. He was wearing his batman boxers. I got up and looked at myself in the mirror, a habit I have of a morning. Same slightly messy hair, and I was still wearing Andy's hoodie.

Andy kissed my cheek. "You suit my clothes." He walked out of the room and I changed into my maroon jeans, blue bandeau and All Time Low muscle tank. I found Andy in the kitchen, attempting to make breakfast. He had already burnt one slice of toast and the coffee was about to overflow. I ran to turn it off and threw out the burnt toast.

"Let me do it," I laughed. "You know you're hopeless at cooking."

"It's a good thing you're moving in," he smiled and sat down at the bench.

"So you'll have me?" I put two fresh pieces of bread into the toaster and turned down the heat setting.

"Of course."

I got the milk out of the fridge and finished making the coffee. I handed Andy a mug and he took it gratefully. The toast finished and I handed him the plate.

"Where would I be without you?" he smiled and ate. "You having some?"

I shook my head. "Moving makes me lose my appetite."

He handed me a piece of toast. "Please eat," he begged. "For me."

I took the toast and shoved it into my mouth. Andy laughed. "That's my girl. Did you say you wrote songs?"

I nodded, my mouth still full.

"Can I read them?"

I nodded again. I swallowed and rushed into our bedroom. I unzipped my bag and pulled out my note book. I turned around. Andy had followed me in. I handed him the book and he flipped through it while walking to the living room. I followed and he sat down on the couch. I sat down next to him and he smiled.

"These are good," he said. "Incredible in fact." I felt my cheeks burn pink.

"You should perform these at the next show." He handed me the book back. I took it and put it on the coffee table.

"Maybe I will."

"So you're coming to the next one?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world."

Andy smiled and pressed his lips to mine. God I had missed him. His phone rang on the table and he answered it, leaving me to wonder who was calling.

"Hey Jake," he said. That answered my question.

"Yep... Yeah... We'll be there soon... Ok... Bye."

I sat patiently for him to give an explanation.


"Oh," I smiled. I'd get to see the gang again.

"I'll get changed and we'll go, ok?" he asked, getting up. I nodded and he left to the bedroom. I roughly brushed through my hair with my fingers and pulled on my converses that I had left by the door last night. Andy appeared in the doorway, fully dressed and holding his keys and we left to the studio.

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