Chapter 8 | Dev...The super hero??

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*The Khanna House*

Diya's Brother Varun Khanna's POV

Buzz....Buzz," My phone buzzes in class giving me a stutter. Still deciding if I should read the message or not I pull it out of my pocket and place it on the desk. I know teachers hate it when students go on their phones during lectures...but I couldn't help myself. 

I see that it's from a private number...This has to be important. Sliding it into my book (so the teacher couldn't see) I click the message icon.

*Skip reading the message*


I begin to feel dizzy as I stand up rush to the teacher. 

"Professor!!!," I shout getting her attention..."My sister had an accident and she is in hospital," I cry " I have to go right now!!!"

"Okay....go and take care of her," she said and I rushed out of the Uni on my motor bike headed for the city hospital...

Crazy thought began to take over.

Who was this Mr A and why was he after my Diya Di!!! I hope she is okay!!! I felt a tear pouring out of my eye!!!

*Dev's House*

Dev's POV

*Skip Dev discovering the message and reading*

My eyes burned with rage as I read every line of the message again!!! Nobody can hurt my Diya....Panic took over as i realised the meaning of this!! Mr A is none other than.....ARJUN!!!!

I told her that he was trouble....I Warned her that all this is not going to end well. Why couldn't she just listen to me! Moreover why am i so worried about her now?? 

I wish i could hate you! But i just can't...

I head off to Sid's place.

*At the City Hospital*

Varun's POV

I rushed inside the hospital to find Arjun and Ma waiting impatiently outside the room Diya Di was in. Ma was crying non stop and when she saw me...she gave me a tight hug.

"Is Diya Okay??" I asked Arjun in a rush. "Yea...She's fine...She only suffered minor injuries...and bruises...oh and she fractured her left arm but nothing major to worry about," he replied almost sounding disappointed.

"Nothing to worry about??? My sister got attacked any you are telling me that there is nothing to worry about??" I snapped.

Everyone went silent for a moment

"So you did get the message?" Arjun asked in a strange way. "Yes I did," I replied. "Do you have any idea who it could be?" I asked. "Shhh," he said "They are around us," he replied.

His behaviour was extremely suspicious...he seemed to be lost in his own world today and when I said that I think I know who Mr A might be...his expressions were quite nervous.

I never got good vibes out of him...He is the reason why Diya Di and Dev aren't together today. I know he was lying about the whole Dev using girls thing...but could he go this far...I really doubt it...

Just then...the doctor came out to inform us that we could go in and see Diya Di...and that we could take her home tomorrow.

We walked inside the room and saw poor di laying on the bed with one arm in a plaster and her forehead bandaged up.

Ajeeb Dastan Hai Yeh (It's a Strange Tale) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now