Chapter 26 | The Dream...

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Diya's POV 

Wind ruffles through my hair as i race forwards....Huffing and puffing. It is almost as if I am fleeing something. My heart pounds out of my chest from all this. 

"DIYA!!!" Dev Growls from behind.

'Was that Dev?' i ask myself....but fear forces me to run. 

'Am I running from Dev?? But why?' I ask myself and turn around. 

His eyes were bloodshot red!! He glared at me like a hungry beast. 

"Nahi....mai tumhe yeh nahi karne doongi Dev!!! (No!!! I won't let you do this to me Dev)" I shout for some reason. 

Wait....why did i say that?? What is Dev going to do? I'm Seriously confused here.


Suddenly my whole surroundings change. now i am in some sort of official hall. I look around the room to find it completely empty. 

"Are Diya??" A much calmer voice of Dev bounces at me. I turn around to find Dev standing there wearing one of his perfect smirks. 

"Dev? Tum yaha? (what are you doing here?)" I say taking a few steps forwards. 

He doesn't say anything for a moment. 

"Mujhe tumhe kisi seh milyana hai (I have to introduce you to someone." his smirk fully perishes by now!! I could sense some guilt in his eyes. 

Out of nowhere a girl appears from behind him. Her angelic face and golden hair was flaunted by the ruffling of the wind. 

"Meet Meera," he says, "My WIFE" 


"NOOO!!!" I scream hysterically. My voice echoes in the darkness. The sickness and disgust pours out of my eyes in the form of tears. 

My breath goes extremely heavy. 

"It was just a dream Diya....Nothing else!!" I console myself. 

"J-Just a dream.....Nothing else.....calm down" 

After a few extremely deep breath i observe the emptiness of the room. Dev is nowhere to be seen. 

"Dev!!" I shriek out hysterically. 

"Dev....Where are you??" 

All of a sudden I hear mummers coming from the balcony. It is obviously Dev talking to someone. But who could he be talking to in the middle of the night. 

I sneak up to the balcony door but only hear a few pieces of his conversation. 

"No.....You won't.....coming back again?......What does....want now......I will KILL....Diya can't find out about all this!!" He whispered angrily into his phone.    

What doesn't Dev want me to know?? And who's coming back again??? Could it be Arjun??? No It Can't be!!! Then who is it??

The suspense begins to kill me!! But i choose to pretend that i haven't heard anything. Dev is getting too angry these days!! and i don't want to repeat what happened this i go back to bed thinking that i'll ask him tomorrow morning when he is less angry!! 

*Skip the rest of the night* 

I wake up early the next morning with Dev sleeping soundly beside me. The dreams last night and Dev's conversations are really freaking me out!! What is even the meaning of all this?? I know for sure now that the Album incident and the phone call were definitely linked in some manner. 

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