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I sank onto the cot and stared numbly at the wall across from me, listening only to the soft sounds of the ocean. After a few minutes, I followed its call to the open porthole.

The deep blue waves swayed rhythmically, bringing me back to my earliest memories of my father. He always loved the sea, and that was something that he passed on to me.

But this sea was different. It was not from my time, but long before, and the thought scared me.

"What am I supposed to do now?" I muttered quietly, letting the crisp air lick my face.

"You must have patience, child," a soft, almost motherly voice sounded behind me.

I whipped around, panic clutching tightly at my heart.

I was startled to see a woman sitting in the wooden chair in the corner of the room. She definitely wasn't there a few moments ago.

Her bluish green skirts swirled around her, beautifully decorated with white pearls and small seashells. A torn fishing net covered her right shoulder, twisting around her torso before disappearing behind her back. More pearls were pulled around her wrist and dangled from her neck. She looked like she'd just crawled out of the ocean.

Further evaluation revealed that her brown hair was pulled into an elegant updo, revealing striking brows that emphasized the blue of her eyes. Her skin was tanned, as if she'd spent years in the sun.

I stood like a statue, unable to form a proper sentence, while the woman only stared back at me with a mixture of amusement and curiosity.

After a few minutes of heavy tension, I was finally able to break the silence.

"Who are you?" I asked with a shakier voice than intended.

The woman smiled and stood, a small crab scurrying out from beneath her skirts. I moved to the side as it came towards me.

She came forward to stand before me, blue eyes seemingly staring into my soul.

"I am known by many names," she finally responded, "But you may call me Salacia."

"Salacia?" I asked, puzzled by the odd name.

The edges of her lips tilted up in amusement, "You may better know the name of my husband, Neptune. Or perhaps you prefer Poseidon?"

My eyes widened, "You're not serious, are you?"

She only smiled knowingly.

I suddenly didn't feel so well. Lowering myself back onto the cot, I clutched the nightstand for support.

Salacia came to stand before me once more, her skirts lightly brushing my knees. She gently took my hands in hers, and I couldn't help but notice how cold and clammy her skin was.

"I'm sure you've figured out what has happened to you by now," she continued staring into my eyes, waiting for an answer.

"Uh," I tried to find the words as I stared back at her, unsure of what to say, "I'm on a pirate ship?"

She urged me to go on with a quiet nod.

"In the past?" I tried again.

She smiled brilliantly, "It's wonderful, isn't it? Do you know why you're here, Elizabeth?"

I stared at her, deeply confused by her excitement, "Not really, no."

"To fulfill your destiny."

"My destiny?" I repeated skeptically, "Why is my destiny in the past?"

She placed a delicate hand on my cheek before smiling sadly at me, "Because you had no future."

I furrowed my brow, "What does that mean?"

"I saw a cruel fate for a young, kindred spirit. Barely begun to live but already wrenched away from her life. To love the very thing that causes your end is a true tragedy. I saw life in you yet, Elizabeth, so I gave you the opportunity to live it," She quickly looked to the window, as if hearing something I could not, "You are not the first, child, and you certainly won't be the last. For now, this secret is yours to hold close. Cherish it, and lend it with caution for there are some who would use it to their advantage."

I sat in shock, my mind struggling to process this new information. After a few moments, Salacia placed her hands delicately on my shoulders and gently pushed me back.

"You need rest," she said as she helped me settle onto my pillow, "I must go now, but I hope to see you again someday, dear Elizabeth," she placed a finger on my forehead and said, "But for now, you will sleep."

Almost as soon as she said the words, my vision went black.

A Pirate in Time (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now