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I looked at Jay, and then back to the glowing lights of Boston. His question echoed through my mind as I tried to conjure an answer.

What do we do now?

I couldn't go home. Not yet. For one, my house was a few miles away from the beach. For two, I didn't have any money for a cab. And for three, I'm not sure if I'm ready to face my parents again. Not without a suitable explanation at least.

Besides, Jay and I couldn't just go prancing through downtown looking -and smelling- like a pair of soggy pirates.

My eyes went back to the bobbing sailboats as I thought. I bit my lip, staring at the black, hand painted letters on Lucy's starboard bow.




Of course! Why didn't I think of it before! Danny lived about two blocks down one of these streets. And besides... he totally owed me for making me drown, die, and time travel back to the 1700s.

I grabbed Jay's hand and started to pull him towards the end of the docks. He stumbled a bit, but kept up.

"Where are you taking me?"

"To a friend's," I told him as we stepped down onto the beach again. I pulled him through the empty parking lot and onto the sidewalk running parallel to the street.

"What is this stuff?" he asked me.

I slowed my pace and turned to look at him. He was looking down at his boots in awe.

"Cement," I told him with a slight smirk. If he was amazed by this, then wait until he sees everything else. "It's like man made rock that you can pour places and let harden. That over there on the road is called pavement. It's like solid tar." 

Jay suddenly went stiff as we were flooded with light. I squinted towards the headlights of a car and then decided to grab hold of his arm in case he decided to faint. As it passed us, the hum of its engine changed pitch slightly.

I let Jay stand stupefied for a moment. After a while, he remembered how to speak, "What-what was that?"

"That, my dear Jeremiah, was a car. It's like a horse drawn carriage that runs on mechanics instead of horses."

I let him stand there for a few more moments before pulling him back towards Danny's house. We crossed the street twice before his front door came into view.

I hope he's home. I started to worry a bit. Maybe he wasn't. Then I thought of something else. I hope he still lives here.

After all, I didn't know exactly what year it was. He could be off to college by now. Hell, he could be married and living somewhere else with his wife and children.

These thoughts encouraged me to not use the front door, and instead sneak around to the back yard where I knew his bedroom window was.

"This does not feel right," Jay whispered to me. "Are we allowed to do this?"

"Says the pirate who has enough charges against him to put him in a noose."

"I am a little out of my element here, if you haven't noticed!" he whisper shouted as he looked around like he was expecting something to jump out and attack him.

I quickly grabbed his face and planted a chaste kiss on his lips before placing my forehead against his. "Pull yourself together, Jay. I need you to stay calm."

He slowly nodded and took a deep breath, gesturing for me to lead the way.

I did.

From all of the times we had hung out, I knew two crucial things that were the key to us getting inside.

One: Danny was a super heavy sleeper.

And two: the idiot liked to sneak out to go to parties a lot so he didn't keep a screen on his window.

I covered the sides of my eyes and peered through the ground floor window. Everything inside was the same as how I'd last seen it, including the boy cocooned in blankets on the bed.

I bit my lip again and started to ease the window up. It squeaked a bit as it went, but nothing that small could wake the boy inside.  Once it was wide enough, I turned to Jay.

"Help me up."

He locked his fingers together and I placed my boot into his palms. Then, grabbing his shoulders for balance, I pushed up and sat on the windowsill.

"Can you get up here?" I whispered as I put one foot inside.

"Aye," he whispered back as he hopped up himself.

Soon we were both standing over a sleeping Danny. Jay looked a little uncomfortable with the whole situation, especially because we were standing in another guy's bedroom while he slept.

"Now comes the hard part," I said, "Waking sleeping beauty."

I poked his shoulder, but he did not respond. Then I nudged him a little harder, but still, there was nothing. I even went as far as to poke his face and throw a dirty sock under his nose. Nothing.

Rolling my eyes, I walked to the door and flipped on the light switch. That made him grunt slightly, but after rolling over and stuffing his face in his pillow, he was back to sleep. I sighed in frustration and ran my fingers through my greasy, tangled hair. I felt disgusting right now.

I looked at Jay, meaning to ask him if he had any ideas, but found he was staring up at Danny's ceiling fan.

"Electricity," he muttered to himself in wonder as he looked up at the light bulb.

I cringed and told him, "Yeah, but you probably shouldn't stare at it. It's like looking into the sun."

He immediately looked away, blinking furiously as he tried to cure himself of temporary blindness. 

I rolled my eyes and walked back over to Danny. Grabbing hold of his blankets, I wrenched him, and the contents of his bed onto the floor.

He jolted awake, his eyes flying open as he blinked around the room. He saw Jay first, and I saw confusion in his glazed over eyes. Then his eyes swiveled to me, and I saw him turn three shades paler.

"Holy shit," he said, horror laced in his voice as he eyed me like the Grim Reaper, "Elizabeth?"


Oh my God, guys! There's only like two more chapters left. I already have them written!

I'm so sad! It's almost over!

The answers to my last questions are in the comments here.

Let me know your thoughts!

Vote. Comment. Rock On.


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