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"I must return to the ship," I told Cecelia when I was finally able to pull her away from the chaos of the ballroom. "Will you take me back?"

She looked over her shoulder at the Merfolk twirling in never ending circles, "Anything to get out of this mess."

I nearly breathed out a sigh of relief that she'd actually agreed to get me out of here. With one quick glance back at the crowd, she grabbed my arm and pulled me out into the hallway.

Cecelia led me through several winding halls throughout the palace, and just when I was sure I was completely lost, we entered the room of ball gowns.

"Here are some fresh clothes," Cecelia handed me a clean stack that appeared similar to my other outfit, apart from the blood stains, missing sleeve, and musty stench of body odor.

I gratefully accepted the fresh cotton and stepped into the changing area.

Slipping the gown off lifted a heavy weight off my shoulders. I'd been so afraid of ruining it that I had wanted nothing more than to take it off all night. Now, pulling the nice new shirt over my head, I felt truly relieved.

The new clothes fit me perfectly, unlike the borrowed set from Jay, and it saddened me that the first thing I was going to do was get them wet.

Even so, I was glad to be heading back to the only place of familiarity I'd come to know on this adventure.

When I stepped back into the room, Cecelia was waiting for me in a skirt and wrap combo like the one she'd swam in before. Together we made our way back towards the center of the underground palace, where the watery entrance to the tunnels lay in wait.

I found it much easier to summon my tail this time, and I figured it was probably one of those things that improved with practice. Like sailing. Or swimming.

I slid into the water and slowly let my body adjust to the drop in temperature. Cecelia jumped in beside me and let her own tail take shape.

One she was satisfied, she took hold of my arm, and together we descended into the tunnels for the second time today.

It didn't feel as infinite this time, being as I knew what to expect, and before I knew it, we were spat back into the ocean. The sky above us had darkened considerably, and I began to panic at the thought that the ship might be long gone.

Cecelia moved with a smooth, confident grace, however, in the rough direction the ship had been before.

"Do you think it's still there?" I asked uncertainly as I matched her speed.

She glanced up at the surface of the water, eyes calculating. "The wind has picked up and shifted slightly. Your ship has moved, but not far."

I wasn't sure how she knew that, but decided not to question it. Far odder things had happened to me today.

"What did you and Lord Finn speak about?" she asked, shooting me a sideways glance and a smirk.

I blushed slightly, embarrassed by the notion, "Not much. I mean, we talked about sailing a little, but that's about it."

"Mm..." she trailed off, letting her gaze slide back forward. I wasn't sure I liked the tone of that hum.

"I don't like him that way, if that's what your insinuating," I tried to defend myself.

"He seemed to like you."

I felt myself blush again, and turned away to hide my face. Why was I blushing? I barely knew the guy.

"I'm sure he was just being polite."

"Perhaps," was all she said before her eyes caught on something. I followed her gaze to the belly of the ship bobbing a short distance away. "This is where I leave you, Elizabeth."

"Oh. Well, thank you for helping me back, Princess."

She nodded with a small smile, squeezing my hands as she spoke, "Perhaps we'll meet again, Shift."

"Hopefully under better circumstances."

She smirked, eyeing the bottom of the ship with a rueful look, "Yes. I wish you luck in your endeavors."

"Thank you," I said, "I wish that for you, too."

With one last nod, she turned and swam away. I watched her go until she disappeared. Then I turned back to the ship.

The underside of the vessel could really use a good scrubbing, I noticed as I swam closer. Barnacles and other tiny crustaceans littered it like acne. It was quite disgusting actually.

Brushing the thoughts aside for the moment, I held my breath and focused on transforming my tail back into legs. The tingling sensation consumed me, and I was overcome by a violent urge to breath.

Kicking and clawing my way to the surface, I sucked in a greedy gulp of air and coughed violently as water and air warred inside my lungs.

I needed to get better at the whole breathing transfer thing.

When the water had been expelled, and I could breath somewhat effectively again, I swam to the side of the ship. Thankfully, a rope ladder dangled from the deck, and I hauled myself onto it.

My limbs burned and shook as I pulled myself higher, and I again regretted not being in shape.

I paused and clung to the ladder as my lungs began convulsing again. I coughed so hard, I ended up retching the few contents of my stomach into the sea below.

I groaned at my aching chest, but forced myself to climb regardless.

When I finally heaved myself onto the deck and sprawled my spaghetti arms out to rest, I was startled to find an assortment of weapons pointing down at me.

"You're one of them?" I recognized his voice, but the tone stabbed me like a knife, "All this time you've been one of those beasts? You lied to me. I should kill you!"

"What?" I spat as I sat up, glaring at the Captain. "Are you insane? I just saved all your asses! If it weren't for me, you'd all be fish food right now!"

"Nonsense," he argued, "It was under control."

"Under control?" I asked bewilderedly, standing, despite the weapons directed at me. "Do you consider unconscious in siren infested waters under control?"

"It's all your fault," Jay muttered his way around the question, "You led them to us. You orchestrated this attack. You're the reason half my crew never resurfaced!"

The men grumbled in agreement.

"How is this my fault?" my voice became shrill with anger, "I had no idea those things existed before today, let alone that a sliver of their blood runs through my veins. Do you think I'm okay with this?"

"It all makes sense now," he said to himself, "Why you were still alive when we found you. Why you've been keeping secrets. You're just another blood thirsty monster."

"You're one to talk," I growled, "How many people have you killed?"

"That's beside the point."

"Is it? I've never even held a weapon before boarding this ship, yet you're accusing me of trying to murder everyone on it. I was down there bargaining for your safety. I called them off, and they took me to see their King. Nothing I did was anywhere near monstrous."

Jay settled a cold, calculating gaze on my face. He seemed to be searching for something, perhaps evidence that I was lying. If that was the case, he wouldn't find anything.

"Put her in the brig," he announced suddenly, "I need time to think."

"Aye Cap'n."

Someone grabbed my arm and started hauling me across the deck. I barely noticed. For the hundredth time since graduation, I wondered what the hell I'd gotten myself into.

A Pirate in Time (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now