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I leaned against the railing of the ship and smiled out at the northern horizon.

Jay was currently swabbing the decks near the stern, so I was left alone with my thoughts. I didn't mind. They tended to just replay the events of earlier today.

I was so lost in those thoughts that I didn't hear the footsteps behind me until someone had hold of my arm.

"Elizabeth, I need to speak with you," Finn's face held panic and desperation as I looked up at him. He glanced down the deck to where Jay was working before adding, "privately."

"Don't touch me," I said before pulling my arm away from him.

He looked hurt by that action but didn't give up quite yet.

"Please?" he begged. "I just want to finish the conversation we were having before you went below deck. When I asked you how much you knew about Merfolk?"

I looked up at him skeptically, "Why?"

"Because you deserve to know about what you are, and there aren't many people who are going to be able to tell you."

I bit my lip slightly as I thought about it. On the one hand, I did want to know more about being a mermaid, but on the other, I didn't really want to be alone with Phineas.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. I suppose my curiosity got the best of me.

"Fine," I crossed my arms over my chest. "What did you want to tell me?"

"Not here," Finn said as he glanced at some of the crew. He grabbed my arm and pulled my closer to the edge of the ship, "Come on."

And then that bastard pulled me off the edge of the ship and into the frigid ocean water beneath us. I had the common sense to hold my breath before the plunge, and once I was submerged, I closed my eyes and transformed. When I opened my eyes again, I saw Finn, with a newly formed charcoal grey tail, swimming a few feet before me.

"What the hell?" I growled as I looked towards the underside of the ship. "What was that for?"

"There were too many people to hear," he said.

"To hear what?" I asked impatiently.

He sighed again and looked away as he tried to figure out how to start.

"Do you remember how everyone at the ball wore clothes the color of their tail?"

I nodded.

"And that each of those colors had a second, subtle color underneath?"

I nodded, "Yeah."

"Well. We wear those clothes for a reason. The main color, light purple in your case, is the color of your tail, but the other, underlying color is something else entirely. It- it represents another Merperson."

"What do you mean?" I asked, not entirely liking where this conversation was going.

"When two Merpeople have inverted tail colors, they are considered to be potential soul mates."

I glanced down at his tail. Charcoal grey with a glint of purple in the light. Suddenly it clicked.

"I'm not your soul mate, Finn," I told him quietly.

"You don't know that for sure," he tried to reason.

"I don't love you, Phineas," I told him honestly. He fell silent then and had a hard time looking in my direction. He looked so heartbroken. "I'm sorry."

His features took on a darker look then, "But you love him, don't you? Jeremiah Jackson."

I didn't answer. I couldn't, but my silence spoke louder than any words could have.

I saw Finn's jaw clench a little. "I see. This is goodbye then. I see no reason to remain aboard the Black Ness, so I will be returning to my ship and crew. Pray we never cross paths again Ms. Proctor."

Was that a threat?

I watched him swim towards the Bone Crusher with a sinking feeling settling deep in my stomach. I had a feeling I'd just made an enemy, and that was not a good feeling.

I ran my fingers through my tangling hair before swimming back up to the surface.

"Elizabeth," Jay called from the railing. He must have seen us go over, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," I called back up, "Phineas and the Bone Crusher are leaving."

I saw Jay raise an eyebrow, but he walked to the rope ladder regardless.

I swam there as well, and after transforming my tail back into legs, I started to climb up.

"You know, I just cleaned this spot," Jay scolded me as I plopped my soaked body down on the deck to catch my breath.

"Good," I smirked up at him, "then I'm not lying in anything too terribly dirty."

He rolled his eyes before holding out a hand to help me up. I grabbed it and he pulled me to my feet.

After ringing the water out of my hair and attempting to do the same with portions of my shirt, I asked Jay, "How much more work do you have left?"

"I should be done by dinner," he shrugged as he looked back towards the deck.

I nodded, "Okay, I'm going to go talk to my uncle, then. I'll see you at dinner."

Jay smiled, "Alright."

And then I went off in search of Uncle Paul. There was no telling where he was on this ship.



Hey! How are all of you? Here's my second update for this week! Hope you enjoy it!

Do you still think Finn deserved that punch?

Do you think he'll show up again in this story?

What are your thoughts on this chapter?

I love hearing from you guys, so please vote and comment!


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