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"I never thought I'd see you again," Uncle Paul said once he shut the door behind us. He quickly embraced me in a hug. "How are you? How is school? You said something about a graduation party. How long have I been gone?"

"Almost eight years," I told him once he paused to take a breath. "We all miss you."

"How is everyone?"

"They're doing pretty well," I said. "Dad took your death pretty hard. He hasn't gone sailing since. I can't imagine how he's taking my death now."

"And your mother? How is she?"

"She's fine. Still trying to run that floral shop in her free time."

He smiled a bit at that. "And Georgia? Have you seen her?"

Georgia had been his girlfriend before the incident. I shook my head, "Haven't seen her since the funeral."

"Pity. She was a nice girl."

"Yeah," I said for lack of anything else to say. I waited a few beats before picking up the conversation again. "So what have you been up to?"

He picked up on my topic change immediately and walked over to a desk with a map scrawled across the top.

"Well, I've been Captain of the Black Ness for two years now. The old captain decided to retire and deemed me most fit to lead his crew. I have to keep up the tough act of course, to keep the crew in line. But we've been all across the ocean. It's been awesome."

There was a smile spread across his face, and I knew this was what made him truly happy, being on the open ocean.

"That's great," I smiled with him.

"How long have you been here?"

"Couple months, maybe," I shrugged. "I'm not really sure anymore."

"Understandable. So what's happened to you so far?"

"Well, when I first arrived on Jay's ship, I was having a hard time staying awake. The whole time traveling thing must've taken a toll on my body. Once I started to get my strength back, I found out how superstitious the crew was."

"Ah yes. The whole 'it's bad luck to have a woman onboard' hubbub. I broke my crew out of that a long time ago."

"How so?"

"Well, I have a female doctor onboard. She's one of the fiercest fighters I've ever known. A lot of the crew owes her their life, whether that be because she healed their injuries or prevented them."

"Wow. What's her name?"

"She calls herself Lira Dukes, though I doubt that's anywhere near her real name."

"Cool. I'll have to meet her."

"Yes. Any who, as you were saying."

"Oh yeah. The crew didn't like me much, so I spent most of my time below decks. After a while, the Marauder's Phoenix took over a Dutch pirate ship and transfered cargo. There were two small children onboard, so I took them under my wing. I've left them under the care of one of the cabin boys."

Uncle Paul took a seat at the desk and placed his chin on the heal of his hand. "Go on."

I paused, thinking of the only big thing left that I haven't told him.

"Do you know about our family's secret?"

His eyebrows scrunched together and he shook his head. I took a deep breath.

"Well, I know why we've always been drawn to the ocean. You with sailing, Dad with fishing, and me with one of you each time you were going out."

Uncle Paul lifted his head off his hand as he thought about it. "Your grandmother was always on the beach, too. She liked to swim. You're saying there's a connection to it all."

I nodded. "Yes."

"What is it?"

I decided to show him. I sat down on the floor, stretched out my legs, and envisioned my tail.

I felt that familiar itch travel down my legs and into the tips of my toes before Uncle Paul's breathy voice caused me to open my eyes.

"Holy shit."

Uncle Paul was standing now. He circled around the desk and knelt down beside me, his eyes sweeping over my lavender scales.

"You're a siren?"

"Our family is part siren."

"How did you..."

"Jay's ship was attacked by sirens. I jumped into the water, one of the sirens kissed me, and my legs transformed. She said that because I had less than half siren blood, I wouldn't transform unless provoked by a mermaid's kiss. After that, I bargained with them to let Jay's crew live and they took me to see Neptune."

"Like, the god?"

I nodded. "His wife was the one that brought us here."

He ran a hand over his face as he took it all in. He sat back on his heals and scratched his ragged bandana.

"So we're mermaids?"


"And you've met some gods?"


I let my tail become legs again.

"And where did your pants go?"

I smirked before giving him the same cryptic answer Cecelia had given me. "The same place as my legs."

He frowned but stood regardless. His hands were clasped behind him as he made his way to the porthole.

"Well this is definitely some new and shocking information. Thanks for telling me. Was there any more to your story?"

"Well, when the crew found out I was a siren, they turned on me completely. I was thrown in the brig, and when Jay released me, they overthrew him and threw both of us off the ship. When I regained consciousness, I swam around until I found land and brought Jay back there. That's how we ended up here."

"Wow," he said as he peered out at the choppy waves, "and-" he cut himself off as he squinted out at the horizon. "Are those-"

"White sails dead east!" came a shout from above deck. Uncle Paul stepped away from the porthole and turned to me.

"Stay here," he said firmly before stalking off into the hallway.

"Like Hell," I muttered after a few beats. I was not staying here alone.

A Pirate in Time (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now