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I kept my eyes closed, knowing that I did not want to witness what was to come next. A battle between the Black Ness and both the Bone Crusher and the Marauder's Phoenix was sure to leave nothing but splinters in its wake

I tried not to think about all of the people I cared about that were about to take place in this battle, but their faces kept flashing through my mind. Jay, Uncle Paul, Thomas, Liam and Rose, if they were still aboard the Marauder's Phoenix that is. There was a chance those aboard Jay's old ship may get out unscathed, but the Black Ness needed a miracle. Hell, the dagger against my throat reminded me that even I might not make it out of this.

"Mr. Pershing," I could feel the rumble of Phineas's chest against my back, and I hated it, "Hail the Black Ness."

"But, Captain-"

"That's an order," he snapped, cutting the poor guy off. 

"Yes, Sir," I could faintly hear the man's footsteps receding as he moved to fulfill his task.

It did puzzle me, the order. Why was he flagging down the Black Ness when he could've just blown it to smithereens with all of the gun power he possessed. He must've had something planned.

"Open your eyes, darling," I felt his hot breath settling around my ear. It made me sick, "I want you to look into his eyes when it happens."

I wasn't so sure what 'it' was, but I didn't really want to find out. It was nothing good, I could tell.

"Do as I say," he growled a little harsher as he pressed the flat side of the blade to the spot under my jaw to expose more of my neck. I whimpered a little, but forced my eyes open regardless. "That's better. Time to begin the show."

I watched as the Black Ness came up helplessly beside us. They couldn't run. They wouldn't get very far with two ships flanking them, Uncle Paul probably knew that.


My eyes snapped to the bow to see a man perched on the front most railing, clutching on to a rope for balance as he stared out at me. Jay.

"I'm okay," I called out as loudly as I dared. Hopefully he heard it.

I watched as he walked down the deck, towards the stern, trying to remain in front of me as the ship slowed to a stop. Once he had visually checked me for any wounds, he turned a dangerous glare to the man behind me. "You bastard!"

That's what I said! I mused to myself briefly before returning to the serious situation.

"Oh, how good it is to see you too, Jeremiah," Phineas sighed dramatically. "I'm afraid this visit is long overdue."

"What are you talking about?" Jay furrowed his brow. His gaze slid from Phineas back to me. "What do you want?"

Phineas mocked a hurt expression. It was like he was playing with him, dangling something in front of his face only to rip it away as soon as he reached for it.

"As if I need a reason to visit my dearest brother?" Jay looked confused for a moment before Phineas started to speak again. "Besides, it isn't what I want. It's what you want."

"I-I don't understand," Jay said as his eyes flicked to me briefly before returning to the psychopath pressing a knife to my throat.

"It's quite simple really," he smirked as his freehand started to play with my hair. I closed my eyes and clenched my jaw, trying to keep myself from doing anything stupid. I nearly sighed out in relief when his hand moved from my hair to the medallion at his chest. He broke the chain in one swift motion and held it up for Jay to see. "I want you to choose."

I saw Jay's face grow paler. He glanced between me and the medallion before turning his gaze back to Phineas.

Come on, Jay. You got me out of this situation once. Do it again.

Though, somehow, I knew Phineas wasn't going to believe I was a meaningless kitchen wench, or that he'd settle it with a sword fight.

"So which will it be, Jeremiah?" Phineas pressed his cheek against mine. "Darling little Elizabeth, the only girl that could ever love you for what you are?" he then pulled his face away from mine to play with the medallion in his other hand, "Or this cursed medallion, the only thing that can save you from yourself?"

The look on Jay's face was not a comforting one. He looked conflicted. And more importantly, he looked afraid.

"You're insane," I could hear his voice crack.

"Tick-tock," Phineas grinned.

"What if I don't choose?"

"Then you lose both," Phineas said simply. The knife tightened on my throat, drawing a little blood this time.

I closed my eyes to stop the water pooling in them from falling out. Would he choose me? Or would he not?

"Maybe this will help you decide," Phineas suddenly pushed me forward so that my body was leaning halfway over the railing. "And do you want to know the best part? She can't shift if she's unconscious."

The hilt of the dagger suddenly slammed into my temple. My vision stuttered and started to blur, and before I could stop it, I was tumbling towards the water. 

The last thing I heard before I hit the water and blacked out was someone calling my name.



Hey wattpadians!

I probably won't have very good internet access this weekend, so I'm updating early for you guys.

What did you guys think?

Which is Jay going to choose?

Who's your favorite character?

What will happen next?

I'm feeling as though this book is nearing its end, so I just wanted to give a big thank you to everyone who has been reading this book. Y'all are the real MVPs!

Vote. Comment. Stay classy.

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