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"I knew I looked like shit," I joked, looking down at myself, "but is it really that bad?"

I thought he was going to faint... or cry... maybe both. I didn't think I'd ever seen Danny look so terrified.

"Y-y-y-you're dead," he stuttered as he backed away from me and pressed himself against the farthest wall. "You're not here. I'm dreaming. I'm seeing things. I'm going crazy."

His fingers weaved through his short hair as he tried to deny his very eyes. 

"You're not crazy," I assured him, "And I'm not dead."

"I went to the f-f-funeral," there were tears in his eyes now, and he had assumed the fetal position, opting to rock back and forth rather than to face me again. "Y-you're dead. I saw you go under. I saw you."

"I know it seems impossible," I said, kneeling in front of him, "but look at me Danny. I'm here right now, and I need your help."

He reluctantly met my eyes, and I took that as my sign to continue.

I was about to speak when he cut me off, "What are you wearing?"

I raised my brow at his choice of questions. Out of everything he could've asked me, he asked me that?

"Funny story, actually," I tried for lightheartedness, "I've been hanging out with a bunch of pirates in the 1700s since that day. This is Captain Jeremiah Jackson."

Danny looked over my shoulder before shaking his head again, "I'm going insane!"

"No you are not," I said firmly, feeling as though I'd just taken a step back, "If you were dreaming, or imagining me, would you be able to feel pain?"


I slapped him across the face -hard- and pointed an accusatory finger at him, "That's for being an idiot and sailing into a storm when I told you not to."

He rubbed his sore cheek where my hand print was no doubt already starting to form.

"I guess I deserve that," he mumbled.

I slapped him again, "Damn right! You nearly killed me! If a goddess hadn't pitied me and brought me back in time to continue my life, then you would have!"

He cringed and flinched when I glared at him again, expecting another blow.

"I'm sorry, okay?" he practically begged. "I'm so damn sorry. I never wanted any of this. I didn't know this would happen. If I could go back, I would change everything. What I did has been torturing me more and more every day. It's my fault you died. My fault. I decided not to go to college yet. Instead I've been working three jobs and sending every single penny I earn to your family because I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry."

I was mad at him, I was, but as I looked over at Jay, who was now fidgeting with a Rubik's Cube, and thought back to all of the good things that have happened since that day, I couldn't find it in myself to wish it had never happened. In fact, I was glad it did. I wouldn't change a thing.

"I forgive you," I whispered quietly.

He looked so relieved I thought he was going to cry again.

"Thank you," he whispered back through his tears.

"Don't think this means I'm not using the guilt card on you though," I said sternly, "You owe me a lot."

"How can I help?"

"We need to borrow some clothes, and more importantly, your showers."

"Yes ma'am."


Jay, who had become fascinated by the concept of indoor pluming, didn't come out of the bathroom until the water had gone cold and his teeth were sparkling. I laughed, seeing him in the black AC/DC t-shirt I had picked out for him along with a pair of blue jeans. I had to admit, he looked good.

I noticed, though, that he still held his tricorn hat in his hands like he didn't really want to let go.

"How do I look?" he asked nervously.

"You look great," I smiled coming to stand before him, "but I think it's missing a little something."

I took his hat from his hands, brushed it off a little, and put it on top of his head. He looked relieved when I did that. 

I glanced at Danny, who had already passed out on his bed again, and quickly leaned up to kiss Jay. He smiled as we pulled apart, and he brought his hand up to my cheek as he stared into my eyes.

"What's this?" he asked, his thumb just under my eye as he looked at it in curiosity.

"Eyeliner," I smiled. "It's what most girls wear in this time period. I borrowed some from Danny's sister's room."

"I like it," he grinned and then looked at me again.

He seemed to be thinking about something. I could see it in his eyes. After a while, he let me know what it was.

"You know, Phineas was wrong."

"What?" my eyebrows drew together in confusion.

"When he held up the medallion, he said it was the only thing that could save me. He was wrong."

"How so?" I asked.

"The only thing I needed to save me, was you." 



Alright, I couldn't wait to update, so here it is! Chapter 43!

After this is the Epilogue! I just wanted to say I'm so glad all of you decided to stick with me on this and read through until the end. It means a lot. This book would be nothing without its readers.


Thanks again!


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