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I sprinted up the stairs, the pirates right on my heels. When I reached the top I nearly threw up at the sight before me.

Blood diluted with sea water sloshed around my feet. Bodies of men lay limp on the deck at awkward angles.

Many still fought each other, swords clanking together adding to the mayhem of battle surrounding me.

I heard footsteps behind me and rushed into the chaos before I could think about what I was doing. I ducked underneath a sword as it struck at its opponent.

I was running on pure adrenaline as I made it to one of the masts. I pressed my back up against it and allowed myself to breathe for a moment. That is, until I saw the man that came in my room earlier making his way towards me.

I slipped around to the other side of the mast and quickly ducked as a flash of silver imbedded itself into the wooden beam where my head had been seconds before. I let out a startled yelp and looked up to see my attacker.

"What did I just tell you?" Jay yelled furiously as he yanked his sword out of the mast and spun around to defend an opponents blow, "Get out of here!"

"I can't," I yelled back, "One of the pirates burst through my door and attacked me!"

Jay's sword entered the stomach of the man fighting him and my eyes widened as the man went limp. Wrenching his weapon back, the man's body crumpled to the deck.

Jay turned slowly back to me with a stern look in his eye, though I was more concerned with the figure coming up behind him.

"Duck!" I shouted seconds before I threw the dagger that was in my hand. Jay barely had time to react to my command before I hit my target. The knife imbedded itself in the attacker's chest. He let out a strangled gurgling sound before falling to his knees.

His face collided with the wooden planks with a thud. Jay slowly rose to his full height as he stared at me.

"What?" I asked innocently with my hands raised. The motion seemed to knock him back into the real world.

Blinking, Jay stooped down and pulled the dagger from the man's chest and handed it back to me. It was still dripping with blood, but I noticed that Jay's arm was too.

My fingers wrapped around the hilt as I noticed more people approaching.

"Heads up," I said with a nod in their direction. He turned around and weighed his sword in his hand as he prepared to engage in another fight.

I took a moment to look down at the man I had stabbed. His eyes were still open, and red liquid spread into the water beneath him. I gagged a little but then noticed something else. His sword lay at my feet.

I would feel more comfortable having something bigger than a mere dagger to protect myself. I crouched down and picked it up just as Jay started fighting.

I stood again and backed up to the mast. I didn't want to have to watch my back.

The sword was a weird and unfamiliar weight in my hands. It was heavier than I thought it'd be and I hoped I wouldn't really need to use it.
Peeking around the mast, I saw someone rushing our way. Jay was preoccupied already, and I doubted he'd be able to fend off a third attacker from behind.

I stuck out my boot last minute and sent the man flying into the floorboards. Then, before he could react, I pressed my sword against his throat.

In all honesty, I wasn't sure which side he was on, so I didn't really want to hurt him until I did.

"Ye nasty little wench! I'll kill ye fer that!" he tried to swing his sword up, but I blocked it.

Good enough for me. I put my weight on the hilt and pushed until I felt the deck beneath him.

A Pirate in Time (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now