Let's Prank Shanghai

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Admin: Tokyo and Beijing do a small prank on Shanghai.

Beijing: Ni hao(Hello) Tokyo~!

Tokyo: Ohayo(Hello) Beijing, what do you need?

Beijing: -Smirks- Let's play a prank on my brother.

Tokyo: Which one?

Beijing: You know....

Tokyo:...Oh Kami-sama(God).

Beijing: It's just going to be a small prank~!


Tokyo and Beijing look at the napping Shanghai.

Beijing: Okay, let's get started. Weddig dress.

Tokyo: -Gives wedding dress-

Beijing: Wip Cream.

Tokyo: -Passes the wip cream-

Beijing:-Dresses Shanghai and puts wip cream in his hand-

Beijing: A finally. The feather.

Tokyo: Hai. -Gives feather-

Beijing: -Starts tickling Shanghai's nose-

Shanghai: -Puts hand on nose-


Shanghai: What the hell?!!

Beijing: Happy wedding~!

Shanghai: SHENME (WHAT)?!!

Tokyo: Now all we need is the groom~! XD!! -ROFL-

Beijing: -Joins him- Hahahahahahaha~!


Both: O_O....

Tokyo: Well...It was nice knowing you...

Beijing: Likewise.

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