Admin: Got bored so I decided to do this.
Tokyo: -Goes to China's house- Ohayo China you ho-?!
Tokyo sees South Korea watching China who was sleeping on his bed.
Tokyo: What are you doing?
Korea: Shhhh!
-A little later-
China: -Wakes up- WHOA?!!
Korea: Room Service, Aniki!
China: Did you even knock?!
Korea: Oh, I don't work here.
China: What, aru?
Korea: -Climbs on bed and makes weird sounds-
China: -Screams- Aiiiiyyaaaaaaah?!!!
Tokyo: -Record this on youtube-
Admin: I saw this video on youtube. Couldn't resist. XDDDD.
Tokyo's Journal (Hetalia Fanfiction)
FanficAsk/Dare Tokyo and his friends anything you like. (This book with also be a journal and headcannon) Tokyo: Ohayo Gozaimasu~! Nice to meet you all~!