Shanghai's Thoughts On His Sister

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Admin: Tokyo wonders about Shanghai and Beijing's relationship.

Tokyo: Hey Shanghai.

Shanghai: Yeah...

Tokyo: I been meaning to ask you. Are you close with your sister?

Shanghai: You mean Beijing. She's a b$tch. She's always been like since we were children. As a matter of fact. Beijing is so annoying.

Beijing: -Appears behind him-

Tokyo: O.O.......


Shanghai: ...What?

Beijing: I heard you been talking shit about me.

Shanghai: -Turns head-WTF?!!

Beijing: -Kicks him in the nuts-

Shanghai: -Girlish wail- Eeeeeeeeeeeek!!!

Tokyo: .....Wow....

Seoul: -Scared-

Shanghai: -Holding his nuts while on the ground-

Admin: This is why you should never talk shit about Beijing. She'll kick you where the sun don't shine. XD

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