Tokyo's Brothers

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Note: Just Tokyo's Relationship between Japan, China, and the Korea Twins.

Japan: Tokyo's big brother and looks up to him. Tokyo loves Japan and would do anything for him. Even if the causes are necessary. Tokyo is in charge of Japan's Ninja clan and Military Police/ Imperial Army. Japan also cares deeply for Tokyo and is protective of him. For example. If you hurt Tokyo, the last thing you'll see is Japan's sword.

China: Despite the Chinese-Japanese War. China is Tokyo's eldest brother but sometimes sees him as a father or mother in China's case. China sometimes try to get Tokyo to learn chinese language but Japan would always stop him. Japan and China are always fighting over Tokyo just like how England and France fight over America. Tokyo gave China Shinatty-chan for his birthday. When it was Tokyo's birthday, China gave him a stuff-panda.

Korea: Tokyo likes South Korea. They both hangout and would sometimes sing South Korea's favorite song 'Gangnam Style'. But North Korea is another exception. When North Korea nuke Japan, Tokyo become very paranoid and fearful when he's around North Korea. There are at times where he doesn't what to be exact same room with him and always use an excuse to leave.

Tokyo: I do love my brothers. But we really are a dysfunctional family....I sure you all understand.

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