A conversation with Mrs. Woods

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So this is a rant......sort of.......

Me and my friend, Destinee, (I've mentioned her before)  were hanging out with our writing teacher during class. I had decided to ask her the question Destinee and I pondered about on Friday.

"Who do you think's going to kiss first? Me and my boyfriend or Destinee and her boyfriend?" 

We then explained are reasons because we each said that ourselves would kiss first 

My point: We've been dating longer, )Four months) 

Her point : They've held hands and hugged 

Not surprisingly, Mrs. Woods agreed with Destinee because Destinee is more 'Forward'. I'm just like, WHAT THE CRAP? (Actually, Neither me or my boyfriend are forward....so...)  See, What they have is 'puppy love'  Like, Have y'all ever seen those post on Instagram that make fun of middle schooler's relationships? 

For example: 

Dude: Hey u wanna b my Gf? 

Girl: Omg yess! Ily babe

dude: Ily 2 babe

and then they end a few days later!

See! Those type of things. That basically describes them. They're moving too fast (IMO) and they've been dating for only three and a half weeks! I say puppy love. It's lack of emotion. What me and my Boy friend have is raw emotion, our relationship was built on a friendship. I broke down and cried after I told him that I loved him because I didn't know if he would return my feelings (He did.) 

See! Emotion! 


(This was ranted about especially just to relieve stress, I'm not trying to compare my love life to Destinee's  Dez, If u are reading this #noregrets   Sorry if I bashed u a little...)

..................Hmm....That moment you realize that your boyfriend reads your books......(ayeeeee Night_Skrill ) 

In the end, Destinee and I both have our amazing boyfriends and our own personal love lives that we are both happy with. (Trying to end on a positive note) ]

Still a better love story than Twilight....

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