15 random facts tag.

55 1 10

I was tagged by AphmauWarriorsLover2 to put 15 facts about me.

1. I am half Puerto Rican

2. I cannot whistle

3. I am double jointed

(I can do that with almost all my fingers and toes)

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(I can do that with almost all my fingers and toes)

4. It is genetically impossible for me to roll my tongue.

5. Some people say I'm very mature for my age.

6. I had a pet pig (she was taken away to 'the farm' a few days ago...)

7. I can get delirious late at night while playing xbox.

8. Both my parents are cops.

9. Most people on Xbox are afraid of me, because of the PVP incident....

10. I like to fan girl. By fan girl I mean scream and bang my head against the wall and flail my body around on my bed.

11. I'm right handed.

12. I'm trying to get Noah a girl friend.....

13. I love music and my choir fam.

14. I can sing second soprano and first soprano.

15. I was *this* close to being in band.

I tag:


Good luck Brudunskies

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