Guess what? Another tag. (Important one)

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I have created a tag!!!

Ten things you love about yourself. 

(But Madison! Isn't that a little self centered?)

No. It is not. I, myself, have self confidence issues, and one day my mom told me to name ten things I love about myself. It was a fun thing to do and I want to make it a tag.

Love you mom!

10. I'm funny-

I not only make others around me laugh, I make myself laugh.

9. I have an amazing laugh.

I know what the source of the nosebleed was, I was laughing too hard.

8. I'm a good writer.

I mean..... Come on! 60k reads has got to mean something.

7. I have friends who care for me.

Honestly, I don't know what I would do without you guys.

6. I'm original!

Dropping basses everyday, Brudunskies. And that is very such not bad.

5. I can make dank memes

 I can make dank memes

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

4. I have a pretty smile

(Thank you person in reading class)

3. I'm good at video games

Minecraft PVP is where it's at!!!
(Also, Kiki, if you are reading this: Terraria leaderboards)

2. I'm reliable

You can count on me! Like 1 2 3 I'll be there....

1. I'm beautiful.

Everyone is beautiful. Doesn't matter what size you are, or what you look like, all that matters is that you let your true self shine and you will always be beautiful in my eyes 💜

Brudunskies, you all matter so much to me. Each and every one of y'all are perfect! Don't let others change you!

So many people around me are sad, I'm tired of contributing to the sadness, I want you guys to be happy!


Everything's going to be alright....

I'm here....

And there's nothing anyone could do to change it.

I tag:


Love you Brudunskies


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