Meet Samuel

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Who is Samuel you may ask....

He's our new dog.

He's a German shepherd Mix

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He's a German shepherd Mix

We adopted him on Sunday.


This comes with a story.

So me, my mom, my sister and my brother went to the pet store, where my dad was waiting next door at a Starbucks with a family friend.

We met at Starbucks where I got college advice

Then we went to the pet store.

So I wanted a fluffy dog, Andrew wanted a big dog and Clara was just along for the ride.

I found the perfect dog!

His name was Culpepper, he was an Australian Sheep dog, very fluffy.

I got to walk him around the store and he just loved me.

Culpepper was a trouble maker though...

Running into people, jumping on people.

But still a good dog.

I was on board for him, but My brother and sister found a different dog....


He didn't have a name yet..

Long story short, my heart was broken, we adopted Samuel and My brother finally named him last night.

So yeah....

I'm starting to warm up to Samuel

.... Culpepper....

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