
27 2 4

It's another.....



Thirteen facts.....

By the end of the summer, y'all are probably going to know everything about me.

Thanks EmeraldOcelot

1. Um. My birthday is coming up in less that two months.

2. I don't like pie

3. I despise waffles

4. Sarcasm is a part of my daily vocabulary

5. Noah and I have a hit list

6. I'm on my own hit list.

7. I love baking and cooking!

8. I think forensics are cool.

9. I suck at drawing

10. I have a twisted sense of humor...

11. I'm an okay writer

12. I guess I have friends.

13. I lived in Alaska for 2 years

I tag:

Look, I don't really care. Basically, there is only one or two people that would actually do the stupid tag,

So... I really don't care if you do the tag or not.


Rainbows and RantsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt