Just..... Accurate

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It's so true! Many people don't choose choir because it's boring, and it's not! We work hard everyday and sing! If anything, Band and choir are one in the same

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It's so true! Many people don't choose choir because it's boring, and it's not! We work hard everyday and sing!
If anything, Band and choir are one in the same.
We both use a variety of things to make music (band uses instruments choir uses voices)
Now, you may argue "but everyone has a voice! In band we have instruments like drums and trumpets and clarinets and flutes and saxophones (three different kinds at my school yes?)"
Yes..... We may all have a voice, but we don't have the same voice. Have you ever heard someone who sounded exactly like you? Choir uses this to our advantage. Band is a blend of instruments and choir is a blend of voices.

Now, I'm choir, we do have to stand....... A lot..... Like an hour straight.... You learn to deal with it....

There are plenty of perks about being in choir, but my personal favorite is pretty funny:

We can say 'diphthong'.  As many times as we want.

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