Chapter 7

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  • Dedicated to Georgia-Alice Rimmer

Chapter 7

Jaymes POV

I fell back as Tristan pushed me away.

“What are you doing?!” Tristan shouted at me

“I don’t know, why did I just do that?” I was panicking I panicked even more when I heard Theos voice from the doorway,

“What the-“was all that he could get out before Tristan started talking,

“T is not what it looks like”

“then tell me what it does look like cause from where Im standing it looks like you were kissing Jaymes!” this doesn’t look good,

“Theo it was my-“I started but couldn’t finish

“No Jaymes, don’t-just don’t” he walked out but I still say the tears he shed.

“I’ve messed up” I felt the tears start to fall, Tristan walked toward me,

“Don’t worry ill talk to him, dinner will be in a few hours, ok?” he wiped my tears away then left me on my own.

Theos POV

Its a good thing there was a forest out back, I felt myself changing, bones cracking and changing place, the transformation hurt but not as much as what I just saw. How could she?! I know she kissed him I just couldn’t bring myself to believe it! Did she not feel the connection? I know I haven’t completed it yet but she should have felt that something was wrong when she kissed him; I dread to think what Lexi felt through hers and Tristan’s connection since they’ve completed theirs. I ran faster and faster weaving in and out of the trees, it felt good to change again I haven’t changed since i met Jaymes, well I did change once it was the first time we met, I woke her up early to tell her I was going out it was around five so she was grouchy, I left her with her laptop then went out for my run.

I changed back when I thought I had calmed down enough,

You done?’ I heard Lexi’s voice inside my head

Yeah, why?’ she came out from behind a tree

“To make sure you’re decent before I come out” she said out laud this time,

“Well yea Im decent, are you alright?” I asked

“It still hurts but I can manage, just keep your mate away from mine so this doesn’t happen again” we both started walking back towards the house.

I knew I shouldn’t of brought her here. Why? Why did I do it? She’s such an idiot for falling over! If I didn’t take my top of and distract her this wouldn’t of happened! It’s all my fault! Why did I lie to her? That was the opposite…maybe I should of just told her how I felt.’ I was pasing back and forth in my room, ‘Tristan…I hate him! How could he do this! He knows she’s my mate!

“I hate her! How could Jaymes do that? She’s such an idiot! At least when her mum comes to get her she’ll be safe…away from Tristan…my extra safety precaution to make sure Jason and Taylor don’t touch her! And she’ll be away from…me.’

“I hate her for making me do this! I hate her, I hate her, I hate her! Oh my God…who am I kidding…I love her.” I wasn’t meant to say it aloud, I was interrupted by someone’s gasp and footsteps moving away from my door

“Oh no, please tell me that wasn’t Jaymes” I stormed out of my room towards hers.

She was on her phone talking to someone, I know who she’s talking to, I placed my ear against her door,

The Runaways (Edited version & Werewolf Romance)Where stories live. Discover now