Chapter 8

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  • Dedicated to Georgia-Alice Rimmer

Chapter 8

Jaymes POV

I awoke to the sound of someone’s heart beating; I opened my eyes and sat up hoping it would be Theo, when I found Tristan gazing up at me my smile was replaced with a fake one,

“Good morning,” Tristan opened his eyes

“Morning, umm Tristan, why are you in my bed?” I asked

“I came up last night to see if you were alright after the argument with Theo, you fell asleep on me so I decided to stay, I didn’t want to wake you”

I felt my cheeks heat up “ok that’s embarrassing”

“I think it was kinda cute, anyways Im gunna have a quick shower then head downstairs for some breakfast. Feel free to join me in the shower” he winked at me then got up,

“In your dreams mate” I winked back. My plan was to get dressed before I had breakfast but the smell of bacon filled the room, I started towards the kitchen but just as I turned the corner I found myself on the floor, “ouch” I looked up to find Theo covered in food,

“Jaymes! This is a new top! Arrghh! You owe me a new one oh and don’t worry about the food because It was yours” he stuck his tongue out at me

“Aww” I sniffed trying to fake a cry

“Okay, okay! You can share mine” he stuck out his hand, I grabbed it and pulled him down with me, our faces were so close, Theo tilted my head slightly then leaned in. I panicked I didn’t know what to do, I pulled away got up and ran towards the kitchen with Theo right behind me. I didn’t get far before I felt arms wrap around my body,

“Can’t get away that easily” before I could say anything he spun me around pulling my into the nearest room and kissed me.

 Theos POV

I was in the kitchen preparing breakfast,

“Morning T” Lexi strolled in still in her pjs and looking like a mess

“Morning” I greeted

“Do you know where Tristan is? I haven’t seen him since he went to check on Jay last night” ‘that would explain why you’re a mess’ I thought

“he knows I can’t sleep without him and yes that would explain why I am a mess” she yawned she took a seat while I served her breakfast,

“Nope” I popped the ‘p’  “sorry, why did he check on Jaymes?”

“He went to see if she was alright cause we heard shouting last night and she hadn’t come down for dinner” she shovelled a fork-full of food into her mouth. “ Is everything alright between you two?”

“Oh, um yeah were all right, Im just gunna take Jayme’s food up to her, I’ll be back down in a minute alright?” I grabbed Jaymes food and headed for her room,

“T!” I stopped, looking back at Lexi


“When are you going to tell her?”

“About what?” I knew what she was on about I just wanted to play dumb

“Well you need to tell her how you feel before she gets the wrong idea about my mate”

I gave her simple nod and continued walking towards Jaymes’s room. I just turned the corner when something ran into me,


“Jaymes! This is a new top! Arrghh! You owe me a new one oh and don’t worry about the food because It was yours” I stuck my tongue out at her

“Aww” she started to cry, ‘oh man, now I feel bad’ I thought

“Okay, okay! You can share mine” I said as I stuck out my hand to help her up, Jaymes grabbed it and pulled me down, our faces were so close, I tilted her head up slightly then leaned in. I could tell she was panicking, before I could close the distance she had gone, I looked up and saw her running away. She didn’t get far before I caught up and wrapped my arms around her tiny body.

“Can’t get away that easily” before she could say anything I spun her around and closed the distance between us, making the second step in marking our mate complete. I pulled her into the bathroom without breaking the kiss. Before I know it she had pulled away and was gone, yet again.

 Jaymes POV

I came rushing into the kitchen and nearly bumped into someone again,

“Steady on Jaymes, there’s plenty food to go around, I thought Theo brought yours up to you” Lexi spoke so fast I could only just make out what she was saying to me. I tried to reply but I couldn’t find my words,

“I... urr... he...” ‘Damn it, why can’t I talk?!’ I thought. I froze as I heard Theos voice behind me,

“I did but she ran into me covering me in her food so I said she can share mine” he smiled down at me.

Theo, Lexi and Tristan shared some weird looks; they all stopped exchanging the looks and looked down at me,

“Jaymes your looking a little red” Theo had a huge smile on his face, I gave him a sarcastic smile then ran towards his plate,

“alright, alright don’t eat all the food” Theo ran towards me trying to get the food that I was shovelling into my mouth, I picked up the plate and ran around the room with it so Theo wouldn’t get any, but me who happened to be wrong didn’t get far... again... I was tackled to the floor yet again by Theo.

“Ok guys stop with the flirting and let’s get ready for this camping trip. We still need to call my brother because he didn’t come home last night” Tristan said before taking Lexis hand in his and exited the room.

I picked myself up off the floor; I looked down at myself “look what you did! Im covered in food now”

“Its alright, because now I can hug you and not worry about getting you dirty” he started towards me

I turned and ran “no! No-no-no-no-no-nooooo!!” I shouted back at him. I ran towards my room opened the door and slammed it shut just as I saw Theo turn the corner; I locked the door turned around and slid down it. ‘He kissed me; I can’t believe he kissed me’ my thoughts were clouded with events that happened earlier on in the day, back to the kiss. It was nothing like when I kissed Jason, when I kissed Jason it was plain and boring, but when I kissed Theo there was something about it, I couldn’t quite put my finger on it but all I wanted to do we kiss him again and again. I got up and headed for the shower in my bathroom, I stripped down and got in the shower, I let the water engulf me, letting its heat take over me. I couldn’t remember the last time I had a shower, I couldn’t remember what it felt like to be clean, but I can tell you know that it feels pretty good. I got out the shower and put on some of the clothes Theo had bought for me, I white super dry top, light blue skinny jeans. When I finished getting ready I headed down stairs towards the lounge were we all agreed to meet. Tristan’s voice was the first I heard as I came into the room,

“Woo, she’s finally ready!”

“Alright, leave it out, just cause you weren’t covered in food” I stuck my tongue out at him,

“No I wasn’t but my floor was, so when we get back you two” he pointed to me and Theo “are cleaning it up” I looked around the room,

“Fine! Where’s Luca?” I asked after realising he wasn’t in the room,

“He’s gunna meet us there” Lexi said after grabbing Tristan’s Hand then walking towards the car,

“ignore her, she’s just annoyed cause her floor got messy... and that you kissed her boyfriend” he started to laugh,  I felt my cheeks heat up “I didn’t know they were goin out and I didn’t even know what I was doing ok, can we just drop it now, please?” I let my head fall, didn’t want him seeing me blush.

Theo placed his finger under my chin and tilted my head slightly “You’re cute when you blush” dropping his finger, he left the room leaving me to my thoughts.


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