Weird things are happening...

115 6 0

Your POV

"I.... HATE YOU!!!!" I heard a faint voice. I turned around to see Spy covered head to toe with jarate. Heheh.. I always liked it when something happened to him that was embarrassing. He pulled out his pistol and started firing everywhere killing the Blu Sniper along with, well the WHOLE TEAM FOR SOME REASON!!!! He calmed down and slumped and speed walked to the spawn. There was an automatic shower there just in case. (IDK WHY) "3...2...1.... RED TEAM WINS!" The Administrator says. Everyone cheers except Spy who is frowning, lighting up another cigarette and walking to his smoking room. How is he still even alive!?!? I have never seen him without a cigarette, I walked to my room to find a little box. I turned my head to the left, nothing. To the right, nothing. I carefully picked it up and opened it to see a beautiful, Gold, necklace that has a heart lock that you can insert a picture of (your favorite thing). I smiled and carefully put a picture of (your favorite thing) in it.

"Hmmm.." I said, but then IT HIT ME! I COULD probably get a GOOD picture of Spy.... I smiled weirdly of that thought. YES! Its perfect! I grabbed my cloaking device and my camera. I walked down the hall thanking of my plan. "So I would probably cloak myself invisible and take a picture of Spy in HIS ROOM!!!" I thought. I giggled and cloaked invisible near the entrance of Spy's Smoking room.

Spy looked like he was reading a magazine of WHO KNOWS WHAT so I moved closer. Turns out he was, sleeping!? "THIS IS EVEN BETTER!" I thought, I grabbed my phone and took TOOOONNNSSS of photos. "tee hee!" I let out. Spy shuffled in his chair and slowly opened his eyes. OH GOD MY CLOAKING DEVICE IS ALMOST DONE!!!! I ran out the open door right before Spy regained conciousness. I ran to my room and printed the BEST ONES! The first one came out but in black and white, I threw it aside not knowing where it would go and printed 3 more but in color until I heard Scouts voice and Pyro's mumbles right outside my door looking at the picture I threw out. "CRUMMERS..." I muttered, then Scout said, " AAHHAHAHAHAHA!!! Spy looks even MORE stupider asleep! God bless that person that printed this! Cmon Pyro! Lets show this to the others!!" He ran off with the photo...

"HIDE THE EVIDENCE!!!" My mind raced. I shoved the photos of Spy in a locked box in the end of my closet and I deleted all of the photos on my PC and phone and I plopped on my bed pretending to... PLAY WITH UH MY STUFFED ANIMALS AND UH... NINTENDO 3DS!!! Yeah! This is the plan!!! I hopped on my bed and started playing (Favorite NintendoGame) and hoped that NO ONE WOULD NOTICE.

=A Few Minutes Later=

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH" Everyones voices boomed through the room, I slammed my face on my Nintendo3ds and continued playing until I heard a faint knock on my door, it was Spy with his eyes half closed. I can tell he just woke up. "Bonjour" he quickly greeted, "Vhat is all ze commotion about?" Uh oh.... I opened my mouth and calmly said, "Oh, I don't really know, But I'm kinda uh- busy! Yes!" I faked a smile which he bought. "Alright, I zee you later zen." He walked out of the room, I looked down at my DS. He is gonna see it.....

Author's POV
Spy walked down to the living room where everyone was laughing, Spy cocked his head to the side and asked, "Vhat is going on?" Everyone's eyes went on Spy, then laughter followed after that. Scout said, "Hey here little baby! NEED A BOTTLE!" Then Heavy said, "HA HA HA, LEETLE MAN IS BABY!" Then Medic said, "I'm vith Heavy on zis one!!" Spy pushed everyone aside and saw the photo of him sleeping with his mouth open. He frowned, he ripped the photo apart and grabbed a cigarette and replied, "Problem solv-" Demo started to laugh while pointing to his phone. He had a photo of the photo!

Spy couldn't take the embarrassment, luckily his mask covered any signs of embarrassment. "WHO TOOM ZIS PHOTO" Everyone pointed to Scout.  "Uh... Heh heh..." Scout said. Spy took out his butterfly knife and his cloaking device. There was silence for a moment, until Spy said, "May I make a suggestion?" Scout knew what came after that, Spy turned and fixed his tie, "RUN" he cloaked invisible and started chasing Scout.

=TF2 RedSpyXReader(Red Assassin)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt