Get Rid of It

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Your POV
I overheard the commotion in the kitchen and heard Scout run into my room. "SORRY (Y/N) I NEED TO HIDE SOMEWHERE!!" He ran into your closet where the box was. "SCOUT GET OUT OF THERE!!!!" I pulled his arm but he wouldn't budge so I said, "OH SPYYYY!!! SCOUTS IN MY RO-" I fell down as Scout shoved me on the ground, "SHUT IT PIP SQUE-" he started floating in air air choking. I squinted. We're my eyes lying? That's what I thought until Spy uncloaked choking Scout until he had enough.

"Great, ou' got saliva all over my suit!" He dropped the nearly passed out Scout as he crawled out of my room. I nervously tried to avoid Spy's eyes but I accidentally glanced at him, DANGIT ME! "Zo..." He said, " Do ou' know who made zat photo?" He said. I could tell in his voice that he was dying to know. "No, and what are you talking about?" I said. "Oh! Vell you don't want to know." He got another cigarette and lit one up, "Zomeone took a photo of me in my NAP" he said. I'm surprised that he wasn't embarrassed saying that. I couldn't help but giggle. He turned his head to side, "Qu'est-ce que vous avez dit?" He said, "What? Huh?" I said. He replied, "Its French for What did ou' say." I nervously checked my watch. "Oh! Got to go!" Spy raised a brow, "I need to..." I looked around the room, AHA!
I held up my laptop, "I need to order something from Mann Co!" He stood there for a moment studying me, I held still and gulped.

"Alrighty then! I must be off!" He left the room swiftly. I NEED TO GET RID OF THAT BOX!

=TF2 RedSpyXReader(Red Assassin)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt