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WARNING! This Chapter contains some gore! Read at your own risk! Thanks again! Btw, Pls listen to music too. OwO
Your POV
My eyes shot open. A surge of pain bled from my head, I looked up to see a BluMedic. I tried to get up to choke him but I was stopped by something. I looked behind me to see my hands tied up to a chair, I saw Spy still sleeping in the chair attached my mine.

"What do you want you crazy BirdHitler?!" I shot at him. The BluMedic's jaw dropped, "VHAT did you just ZAY?!" He raised the frying pan in the air and whacked my face.


My head turned to the side, blood dripped from my mouth now. The BluMedic hit me again but from the top of my head.


I nearly lost my consciousness, I felt like my brain was falling a part. My brain cringed with pain all over. At this point, it was impossible for me to think. But I held ground.

"Dear Frauline," BluMedic bent down and held my jaw with his hands, "I apologize for my rude behavior." 'Psh, rude behavior? How about getting a therapist for you and the stupid bird of yours' I thought

"Anyhow... I just need a little info and you and your... 'friend' can leave." I clenched my jaw, "I will NEVER EVER TELL YOU!" He showed his teeth in frustration. "I didn't want to go to drastic measures dear-" I cut him off by kicking his basketballs. "OW!" The BluMedic cringed in pain but stood up, "You are TRYING my patience Frau!" He stretched his arms and grabbed his Tranq Gun and Bonesaw.

"I didn't want to do this, but you just WONT shut up! Time to face the consequences."

•=20 Minute Torture Session Later=•
(holy crap what's wrong with me)

Your POV
Blood was dripping all over my body, everything was a blood bath. Spy wasn't awake yet, I can't believe he couldn't hear my screams. BluMedic sat on his chair and wipes sweat on his head. "You are a VERY tough lady, AREN'T YOU?" He slammed his fist on the desk. "TELL ME!"

I shook me head smirking, "...T-There is nothing in this world that will make me say it"
My voice crackled with dryness. BluMedic stared at me for a minute and his frown turned into a maniacal smile, "..Oh IS there?" My jaw dropped and my eyes filled with fear.

He picked up his Tranq Gun and walked over to the still sleeping spy. He slapped Spy as he woke up. "Waugh! Wh-Wha-?" He looked around and saw my bloody face and mangled body. His face drained from the look of me,
"(Y/N)..." He turned his head to BluMedic, "YOU MONSTER! I-" Spy was cut off when BluMedic went back up to be and pulled out his Bonesaw and went behind me and backstabbed me. "AUGH!!!!" Blood dripped from my back and my mouth. My body couldn't take anymore of this and gave up on me.

My eyes closed, and BluMedics voice trailed into my head, "Respawing won't save you know..."


Spy's POV
I saw (Y/N)'s eyes close as the BluMedic pulled out the Bonesaw and saying, "Respawning won't save you now..." He was right, if your body was badly damaged for a while with no Medic's or MediPacks, there would be a less chance of Respawning.


Dust flew everywhere including concrete. I closed my eyes and saw the whole RedTeam.
Soldier and Demo took care of BluMedic as RedMedic and RedScout run forwards me and (Y/N)

"Oh gawd! What happened to (Y/N)?! Doc, you gotta get her to your lab!" Scout exclaimed, "Yes! Heavy! Help me out here!" Medic called.
Heavy's attention dragged forwards us. He ripped the chairs in half and carried me and (Y/N). "WE MUST GO! BLU TEAM WILL SEE US!" He yelled.

Everyone heard what he said and ran out the way they went in, as I was carried by Heavy I looked at (Y/N). Her gorgeous hair was now a bloody mess. Her arms had cuts and little bone could be seen, one of her legs was skinned.
Tears streamed down my eyes as we ran to our base and to Medic's Lab.

How could I let this happen.

I promised myself that I would keep her safe.

Tears now were dripping everywhere.

I'm a liar.

A faker.

We got into the base then heading to Medic's

=TF2 RedSpyXReader(Red Assassin)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt