Quality Time

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Your POV
I sat down on Spy's chair in his smoking room. It was a nice place to be honest... There was a painting of Eiffel Tower, a fruit bowl, and a deer. Spy sat across from me waiting for a response. "You have a wonderful room Spy." I said, answering him. "I like the paintings a lot, especially the Deer one" The deer painting just really stood out to me. "Thank you." Spy said, "So... As we were talking about?" I almost forgot what we were talking about!

Spy continued, "...I...really like you, and can't BARE to see you hurt...." He said, playing with his cigarette. "Oh... N-no one has ever felt like that for me..." I gently said. There was silence, I broke it, "So... I-I...apologize... For the trouble I caused you the other day..." I said. Spy gave me a soft look and replied,"N-No.. It's okay. I understand how you feel a-about me.." He got up and grabbed the deer portrait and set it next to me. He walked back to his seat.

"W-wha-?..." I managed, why is he giving his to me, it looks nicer in his room. Spy cleared his throat and said, "Did you know I paint?" There was a burst of excitement, "OMG YOU DO?" "Yes, and that deer painting, was made for ou."
I can't believe it, he paints! "I paint too!" I said, I grabbed my phone and showed him the paintings I made back at (place you live).
"Wow! It's.. Amazing!" He said, most of my paintings were deer sketches and paints. I was never able to get the body right, nor the horns.

Beep beep beep beep...

We turned out heads to the door where we found a vidcam, held by a hand with bandages wrapped around it. Spy whispered to me, "...allow me..." He cloaked invisible and walked near the door. He opened the door wide open to see Scout crouching and recording. Spy grabbed his wrist and took the vidcam and snapped it in half. He uncloaked, "GET... AWAY...FROM, MY, ROOM!"

"AHHH!" Scout ran to his room like a little boy who crapped their pants. I heard a ring at the door, I hollered, "I'LL GET IT!!!!!" I raced to the front door and signed the man handling the package. "Here you go miss! One box for the art supplies, and a crate for your... Weapons...?" I nodded, I grabbed the boxes and tipped him a 20. "Thanks!" He said and took off.

Spy looked over my shoulder when I passed his room door. He followed me to my room while I got the buttflyknife and started cutting the tape away. "Zo, Zis is what ou' ordered?" He questioned, "Yes!" I exclaimed. I was so excited to open everything. The first box contained art supplies along with a DrawPad for my Mac.

I smiled and opened the next box, Spy was raising his eyebrows in curiosity when I opened the next one. Inside was a maroon rose sticker along with a brand new Tomohawk, (Pyroland Edition). "Wow, ou' have good taste." Spy commented, "Thanks, Lets get ready. I heard we are defending again today." He nodded in agreement and followed you to the entrance.

=TF2 RedSpyXReader(Red Assassin)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt