Bury the Evidence

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Your POV
It was the stroke of midnight, I have been grabbing the box of photos (it's really small) and heading to the lake outside. I had my cloak on and a bunch of ammo to make sure it doesn't run out. I put a pillow under my blanket to show that I was sleeping. Or at least to convince people I was. I glance at the clock, 5:33am it read. I had to do this under 30 minutes because Soldier was gonna start training by 6am. Under the cover of darkness I cloaked myself and stepped out of my room. I passed by each and every one of the rooms the merc's were in. I took a peek at each one.

In Scout's room he was hugging a picture of Miss Pauling on a teddy bear and snoring... In Heavy's room, he was hugging Sasha as always... In Enige's room he was ALSO cuddling with a wrench... In Medic's Lab, Medic lay face planted on his desk with his pet bird, Archimedies sleeping on his head... Demo was just hugging a bottle of whiskey... Soldier was holding the American flag... And in Spy's roo- Hold on, I squinted to see that he was not in his room! Oh gosh, I needed to get this Job done before he even gets the sight of me...

Spy's POV
I finished wrapping the gift I was making for (Y/N). It took me all night to finish it but it was worth it. It was a glass figurine of a heart, I got a few cuts in my hand but Medic could always heal me. I carefully wrapped the heart and placed it in my pocket. I glanced at the clock, 5:33am, time to get this finished. I cloaked and headed to (Y/N)'s room. And this was my chance to see everyone sleeping! I grabbed my camera and silenced the shutter. I took all of the photos of all of the merc's until I felt a swift blow of air pass me softly. Who was that? That didn't matter I guess, I carefully walked to (Y/N)'s room and saw that the door was wide open already! Was she awake? I carefully removed the blanket and saw a pillow placed in her body position. That smart (Y/N)! I put the box next to her bed along with a note.

I walked out of her room and refilled my cloaking bar with some ammo, I heard faint water noises outside. I cloaked with some ammo on me and cloaked and carefully went outside. I couldn't believe my eyes! It was (Y/N) tossing a box into the lake? Along with some cut up pictures of someone? I couldn't stop but stare. Little did I know that I had to refill my cloaking bar....

Your POV
I ran out of the base and to the lake. I finally uncloaked, I felt bad that I took a picture of Spy... But REALLY like them... I couldn't stop from tears running down my face... I wiped them and opened the box. I took a long stare at the pictures, I hugged each one and ripped it apart, I tossed each one onto the lake. After the last photo I heard footsteps, I turned and saw nothing until I saw a puff of smoke appear with Spy coming out of it staring at me like he didn't know he was uncloaked. My eyes widened, he kept staring and snapped out of it when he saw me glare at him.

I couldn't let him see me like this!! I grabbed my box and ran. "WAIT! la demoiselle!" He ran after me. Tears started started streaming off my face, I went through a field of flowers with Spy still chasing after me. There was a stop where the Red Base was cut off. I couldn't leave so I took a right to were rose bushes were which I didn't see according to the darkness. I got tons of scratches and cuts on my leg which made me bleed a lot. I tried turning my head but I tripped on a stump and fell over. I closed my eyes as I fell with the box clutched around my arms. I fell with a hard scrape on my body, I fell near the entrance of the base where we go to start to fight. I felt blood near my hands and everywhere. The Sunlight started shining out of the tree's. Spy finally caught up with me, "La demoiselle!! Are ou okay?!" He was checking me, he saw most of the scratches near me along with the blood bleeding everywhere. I closed my eyes as he picked me up to the base...

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