Keep a Secret?

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Authors Suggestion: I suggest that you should listen and loop this song while reading this chapter. This is an optional thing so you don't have to do it. ON TO THE STORY! ❤️

Your POV
Spy eyed me and eyed the latch, he looked like as if he was checking for anyone. After around a few minutes he took a big breathe and faced me. "(Y/N)?" He asked. I turned, "Yes Spy?"
He bit his lip and closed his eyes and then opened them. "I... Have known you for... a while and-" he stopped to check me, I nodded in approval and to proceed.

He saw my motion and continued, "Well, since we BOTH know that we like each other..." He cleared his throat, "And, I think it's safe enough to tell you a secret by now..." He smiled a little. I thought in my head, Woah! What can he tell me?! OMG SO EXCITEDHSKSNEJ. OMG chill (Y/N)

Spy continued, "I feel like your the #1 person I trust mostly. And after what you have done for me, I think you deserve to know my biggest secret." He put a You Know What I'm Talking About look at me. I raised my eyes, will I actually see his...

Before I could continue my train of thought, Spy took off his Balaclava revealing his face.

I blushed as he revealed his face, he looked even more cuter this way, I felt butterflies in my stomach form

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I blushed as he revealed his face, he looked even more cuter this way, I felt butterflies in my stomach form. I can't believe he actually trusts me! How special am I too him?!

Spy's POV
I saw (Y:N)'s face blush a bit. She looked a little  surprised. I can't believe it! I actually showed my face to (Y/N)!!! What will the others say?! ...Wait... Can (Y/N) keep this secret?

"(Y/N), Please. Don't. Tell. ANYONE." I begged with pleading eyes, "I don't trust anyone..."
(Y/N) gave me a reassuring face, "Of Course Spy, Anything for you!" She smiled. I loved the fact that when she smiles, stress can be lifted off your shoulders in an instant.

I looked down, not expecting another kiss but on my cheek this time. I blushed a little, trying to hide it but then I forgot. (Y/N) noticed me trying to hide my blushing. "Heyy... Don't forget that I can see your face!" She Joked.

I laughed. Silly (Y/N)... Making me laugh everyday. (Y/N) looked up at my hair and noticed the little bit of hair sticked up in the front of my head. (Look at the Photo)

She laughed, "Nice Cowlick" I blushed a bit again, "Hehe... Of course." I smirked.
"I guess we must get out of here Im guessing."
(Y/N)'s expression changed to a bit serious but still a nice loose look. "Yeah, Oh! Don't forget this..!" She held up the Balaclava from the ground.

She handed it to me as I put it back on. I felt like a whole different person without it... I looked at the water below, disgusting... It's now or never... I have a look to (Y/N) and smirked.
I stepped aside, "Ladies First!" I smirked at her.

She laughed, "Nice Try... But if I'm going down.." She grabbed me at my collar on my suit, "Your going down too!" She jumped into the water with me and swam to the exit.


This is one of my most favorite chapters I wrote so far... Hope you liked it!
*Sorry for being offline for a day, I couldn't find a charger XD*

=TF2 RedSpyXReader(Red Assassin)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt