Chapter 17

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Hello guys!! Exciting news!! I finally got the bold and italicize on my tablet!! Yayyyy. (:

Also, if you haven't already read A Unique Kind Of Love, you need to read it. Its absolutely beautiful and amazing. So please, please look it up and read it!! If you're wondering, its about a girl named Lena who moves to a school where everyone is just very rude. She one day meets a boy named Liam, who is mute. They become best friends and its just.. so beautiul, funny, sad, and just perfect! So read it. (;

Okay, on to Chapter 17!!


Amanda's P.O.V.

I breathed heavily, in and out, in and out. I was so mad.

Why was I mad?

I screamed, pacing back in forth in the room, still breathing hard.

In and out, in and out.

I'm home alone. I thought.

I ran down the stairs and reached into the cupboard, pulling out a glass cup. I ran back up to my room, and closed the door in case someone came home.

"ARGH!" I screamed. I threw the glass at my wall, hearing and watching it shatter to peices. I breathed heavily. It felt like such a relief to just break something. I grabbed the picture on my nightstand of us and threw it at the wall too. Anything glass, I threw, screaming each time. When I was left with nothing else to throw, I knelt down on the ground and cried. I cried the rest of the anger and sadness I had left in me and just let it out. Everything I've ever kept inside I let out. It felt good, but it just didn't seem to stop.

I crawled towards the shards of glass, picking up tiny peices from the ground, cutting my hands in the process. I needed to feel pain.

More pain than I was already in.

"Amanda, no!" someone shouted.

I didn't have to turn around to know who it was.

"It hurts!" I cried. "It hurts so much!".

But I wasn't taking about my hands.

It was my broken heart.

"Shh, its all gonna be ok," Ricky said, tears falling from his eyes.

Its gonna be ok.
Its gonna be ok.

"Amanda wake up! Please I'm right here!".

Jake's P.O.V.

I woke up this morning, hearing Amanda screaming and crying, sobbing "It hurts! It hurts!". I desperately shook her, trying so hard to wake her up.

"Amanda! Amanda wake up!" I screamed.


"Amanda wake up! Please!" I tried again.

Still, nothing.

She started to sob my name.

"Amanda wake up! Please I'm right here!".

Her eyes fluttered open, but her tears kept falling down and she continued to sob. I gently pulled her towards me as she sobbed into my shoulder. I rubbed her back, trying my best to sooth her. I kept wondering to myself 'What was she dreaming about?'.

When he tears stopped, her head came up, and I could then clearly see her eyes, tear-brimmed. Her face was tear streaked and her cheeks and eyes were red and splotchy. Her eyelashes were dark and heavy.

Even in her worst state, she still managed to look beautiful.

"You're so beautiful, Mandy. ", I whispered. She smiled weakly at me, and I kissed her forehead lightly.

"Jake?" she said suddenly.

"Yes, babe?" I answered.

"Would you ever hurt me?" she asked me.

"Of course not. I would never hurt you. Not intentionally. You are the love of my life. You make me smile and you're so adorable and perfect. I love you so much and i will never, ever, leave or hurt you. And if I do something stupid and you try to leave, I will chase you for the rest of my life because without you, I am nothing.". I whispered. She smiled lightly and kissed me cheek.

"I love you Jake." she said softly. But before I could respond, she fell asleep.

"I love you too, Mandy.". I said anyway. I kissed her nose lightly and settled down, falling asleep with her head on my chest.


Guys, I am so sorry for the long wait and short chapters. I have so much school and homework and crying and drama on my hands that I forget to write.


Sweet dreams my lovlies! ;*

Oh and word of advice. Don't fall in love with someone who doesn't love you back. It hurts like a bitch.

Ok, bye bye now.

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