Chapter 7

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Hi guys (: I know I said 20 reads, but what the heck.. So here goes Chapter 7! (:


Chapter 7

".... you're on a different road, I'm in the milky way. You want me down on Earth, but I am up in space. You're so damn hard to please, we gotta kill this switch. You're from the 70's, but I'm a 90's bitch..."

I found my phone and answered the call to the person who called me at 7:00 in the morning, not bothering to check the caller ID.

"Hello?" I answered, tired and groggily voiced. I will kill whoever woke me up.

"Amanda! Hi!" the voice on the other end chirpped. "What are you doing today?" she asked. It took me a sec to recognize the voice.

"Chloe, why are you waking me up at 7:00 in the morning??!!" I whisper yelled to my best friend, Chloe. God, I will kill her when I see her.

"Duh, asking you what you're doing today!!" she giggled on the other end.

"Well..." I said. I looked over to Jake, sleepingnpeacefully next to me. I forgot about him until now. "I was going to spend some time with this guy I met. His name is Jake." Even saying his name made me blush. I got up slowly and made my way to my backyard not wanting to wake him up, standing in the grass barefoot.

"You met a guy?! she screamed. "Omigod, omigod, tell me everything." she said, all excited. I could practically see her jumping up and down on the other end.

I told her about how we met, and that he lives next door, and how my parents like him. I told every single detail and event that took place just yesterday.

"Awwe, Amanda! How adorable!!" she cooed. I giggled. "Manda, why don't we meet at the movies. You bring Jake, and I'll bring Evan. How does that sound?" she asked. Here's the thig about Chloe; she is the only other person I let call me Manda. Besides Jacob and now Jake, no body else is aloud to call me that. It's like, forbidden.

"Sounds great. Meet ya there at 12:00?" I asked.

"Sure thing, see you then, love! Love ya!!" she chirpped. I smiled and laughed at her bubbly and happy personality.

"Love ya too, Chloe. Bye.". Then we hung up. I sighed. I was still a little tired, but it didn't matter. I checked the time. 7:31. That means I have about 4 hours to get ready.

I stood there, letting the sun hit my skin. I smiled as a pair of arms wrapped around my waist.

"Good morning, beautiful." Jake whispered in my ear, his morning voice husky and deep.

I turned to face him and smiled. "Morning, Jake." I said, my face burried in his shirt.

"What do you want to do today, babe?" he asked, resting his head on mine.

"Well, I was just talking to my best friend, Chloe, and she wants to meeat at the mall to go see a movie. Me, you, her, and her boyfriend, Evan." I answered.

Evan and Chloe have been together for 3 months, going on 4. They were absolutely adorable, with Chloe's waist long, curly blonde hair, with green eyes and Evan's brown hair, and light brown eyes, they were the image of a perfect couple. Me and Chloe had been friends for about 6 years, since we were about 11.

"Sure, that sounds fun." he answered, looking into my eyes. Soon enough, I was mesmerized by his blue eyes. He leaned down and kissed my nose.

"I love you, Amanda." he told me.

I smiled. Those words always made me smile.

"I love you too, Jake." I smiled, looking up at him. He picked me up and swung my around like a little girl. It must've been easy, with me being incredibly light, and him being incredibly strong.

"Ahhh, put me down Jake!!" I giggled. I didn't really want him to put me down, I was having fun.

"I don't think so, hun." he answered, laughing. After a while, he put me down gentley, but I still managed to fall onto my bottom, which made him chuckle, and me giggle.

"Here, let my help you up." he grabbed my hand and waist. I giggled, the way he grabbed my waist to pull me up tickled me. I covered my mought quick. He couldn't find out I was extremely ticklish.

"What?" he chuckled. I bit my lip.

"Ermmm... nothing." I fibbed.

He looked at my suspiciously. I looked down, trying not to laugh.

"Wait a second..." he said. I looked up. "Amanda, are you..."

"No!!" I screamed as a ran around my backyard, laughing like a maniac. He chased me around, trying to catch me.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" I taunted him, sticking my tongue out. As I was running, I tripped on a rock and fell into the soft grass. He ran over to me, who was still laughing hysterically, not minding the fact I could've busted my ass.

"I got you now." he chuckled, hovering over me. I gasped.

"No, Jake please no!!" I screamed. But I was too late. He started tickling me and I started laughing like a hyena.

"Now I know you're weakness! hahaha!" He laughed. Finally he stopped tickling me.

"That's not my only weakness, Jake. " I smiled up at him. He looked smug.

"Oh yeah? What else is you're weakness?" he asked.

I grinned. "You." I said. Before he could answer, I reached up and kissed him. It wasn't a rough, hard kiss, but a sweet, gentle one. He laughed into the kiss and I smiled. He grabbed my waist, and I held his neck. I pulled away and checked the time. 8:12.

"Jake, we have to go get ready." I told him. He laughed and pulled me up.

"Come 'er, I'll give you a piggy back ride to you're room, sweetheart." he told me. I squealed and jumped onto his back, getting a chuckle in return. We went upstairs to get ready. I was so excited!


The end of Chapter 7! (: Chapter 8 soon to come, maybe like 2 days? Idk. Please share and vote. Thanks loves! (:

-Alyssa♥ x)

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