Chapter 2

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I closed my eyes and felt for a second like I was flying. A little smile appeared on my face involuntary. I was in the middle of an odd situation but still ,I feel something strange in my heart that I can't describe in words. I feel like I can reach the impossible. Suddenly the cold hand pulls me out of my daydream. In a second I was leaning on a soft and lifeless chest. The cold hands were around me, keeping me close. When I finally realize what is happening I quickly pull him over and analyze his face. It was a boy around 18 years old with a very pale complexion and a hood on his exhausted and dark circled face. He was looking like he didn't sleep for a long time. The hood reveals some black highlights in the shining of the sunset. He was dressed casual using dark colors.

"You saved me", I said still frightened from the events.

He lifts his head and looks deeply into my eyes like he was going to cross and read through my mind. Suddenly he turns back and leaves without saying anything.

"Wait! „I said while I was running at him. He made a speed move, grabbing my hand and pulling me in front of him. He doesn't say anything like he was trying to avoid talking.

"Your hands are so cold, are you feeling good? „I asked him worried.

He nodded his head in approval. The boy tries to leave but I blocked him with a very fast move.

"Who are you and why you saved me? „I asked him curiously.

"Would you have preferred to let you fall? „asked the boy with an emotionless voice.

"No" ....,I said hesitating.

"But you seemed enjoying being in that situation", said the boy with a smirk on his face.

"It is not that....",I stuttered.

"You are Raven,right?"he asked with a poker face.

"You changed a lot...."he said analyzing me.

"Wait, how you know me?"

"The time really goes over, I use to see you at the temple when you were little....every day...",he said on dreamy tone.

"I lived here with my grandma until I was 11 ,when she died, then my parents took me ,for the first time they cared about me......"I said looking down. He looks compassionate at me.

We started walking together through the forest.

"How works that I have never seen you before? "„I asked him wandering.

"You didn't see me because I didn't want you to see me", he said with the face still in the ground.

His words confused me.

"What is your name? „I asked.

"Why should I tell you, one day you will leave me too again and you will forgot about my existence, like everyone here does....." „he said looking in different directions careless.

"Here isn't anyone!" „I exclaimed confused.

"You don't see?!"he looks at me with big eyes.

Suddenly he stopped me and touched my head.

"Close your eyes and try to look with you heart, look the way you did when you saw me", the boy told me while he was pressing gently with his hand on my forehead.

"Wait, what do you mean by the way I saw you? „I asked when I was interrupted by him.

"Open your eyes", he said.

I froze, I was surrounded by different creatures that represent every species but have something distinctive from the others. There was a fox with three tails, flowers that could teleport, a cat that could twist its head, ghost trees, an owl that had a human face and a lot of different spirits.

"A human...can see us ...see us't"the creature were making an harmonic echo blending their voices whose sounds were dying in the dark of the forest.

"That....I know that they were true...,"I said surprised falling on my knees.

The boy saw that, I remained without words, so he sat down near me.

"I am Kota,by the way..."he said with a cold voice as usual.

"How you did that?" „I asked him.

"Did what? ",asked him confused.

" Why can I see them, the last hour I couldn't see anything and now the forest is full of spirits?"

"I don't know, you know"...he said and got up preparing to leave.

This is annoying why is he wearing so odd with me. I quickly stand up and asked him:

" Are you a spirit too,Kota?"Kota turns to me.

"Do you think I am looking like one? „he said looking at me.

"No..I don't think so..."

"I am neither human and creature, I am what time lost among its creations...",he told me with a small sadness in his voice.

"I would like to understand your words ... but it seems like the pain took already over you body."

May I help, you do that too to me, now I am here for you", I said with a compassionate look.

"For you is just a must helping me, if I hadn't saved you ,you wouldn't even notice me, I don't need your mercy", said Kota disappearing in the sunset's glimmers. I want to go at him...but I remember the fact that my mother probably is searching for me now every corner I went in an easy feel of disappointment and very confused about the events, back to the chalet.

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